Lao Gui by luigiix on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"Lao Gui Baoh is a confirmed member of the resurgent Shé Huā Triad, currently holding the rank of Right Hand of the Mountain Master. However, Lao Gui Baoh is also a former member of the Crimson Harem, as well as a founding member of the long-defunct Tenjin Alliance, along with the late Futoji Arinawa.

Along with Sun Sho and Arinawa, Lao Gui helped to found the ruling body of Simia society - the Tenjin Alliance - years before the planet’s destruction at the hands of Eightfold Path cultists. He was known to be mysterious and distant, but loyal to a cause he believed in. Seemingly, he and Arinawa fled Simia during the Pillar War and established themselves as members of the Crimson Harem underneath Daigo Tojo, the Third Chairman. Now, he’s resurfaced underneath the banner of the Shé Huā Triad.

Lao Gui Baoh is also a jiangshi, a Chinese vampire that absorbs the life force of victims as opposed to drinking blood, and is considered extremely dangerous, having been known to fight with a personal variation of Crane Style utilizing clawed finger-guards, unnatural flexibility and agility, and the ability to use static electricity to power his attacks along with razor-filament. He is not to be underestimated."
