:chairdance: by Lythero on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Lythero on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lythero/art/chairdance-62934357Lythero
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Daily Deviation
September 3, 2013
:chairdance: by ~Lythero
The suggester said: "Its complete expression and animation is so full of joy that it really jumps out at the watcher. I always get a smile when watching this little fellow doing the chairdance."
Published: Aug 22, 2007
Bah. This was requested TOO LONG AGO. And I said I could do it in a day x_x Why is it that busy things pop up JUST when I say something like that? The very next morning I realised that my A-level results came out. Much celebrating and busy university crap to do with accommodation followed that closely. So it's like. What. 5 days late? Anyways, this was requested by ^livius for the use of a website she's involved with.
She asked me to make an emote that's getting excited by something it sees on a forum on the internets. And thus, start dancing on the chair. So thar it be! Excited enough for you?
Despite the distractions, this one did still take a while to make. I'm trying to make my emotes faster and smoother with a regular frame rate of mostly 3 hundredths of a second. 326 frames in total. Probably took about 6 hours throughout this week, I reckon. Enjoy
Image size
49x46px 70.68 KB