(Gift) Imel by MagentaRoseOrchid on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

MagentaRoseOrchid on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/magentaroseorchid/art/Gift-Imel-801587397MagentaRoseOrchid

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MagentaRoseOrchid's avatar

Published: Jun 13, 2019


Suprise BluSempai!

This is a portrait drawing of BluSempai's OC Imel.

I came across a challenge where there are no prizes and no losers: it's a charity challenge, to draw a picture for 26 deviants of their OC. www.deviantart.com/angier3741/…

I chose BluSempai because I like Imel's design. Hope you like it BluSempai! :dummy:

Image size

2480x3508px 1.43 MB

Date Taken

Jun 13, 2019, 7:13:20 PM

ConstantlyDrooling's avatar

Cool work!! A great gift!