Hermione Weight Gain Part 1, 2 and 3 - FAN EDIT by Maia-Sphaira on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

First of all, this is NOT a deviation by me. It is an edit of an ORIGINAL image by kawaiidebu (www.deviantart.com/kawaiidebu) which is part of a sequence. I BELIEVE this edit is Fair Use, but I will remove it if wanted.

The sequence (aptly titled ‘Engorgio’) also has an accompanying story by TheAmericanDream (www.deviantart.com/theamerican…), and while I do NOT intend to edit all of the IMAGES in this sequence, I will be rewriting TheAmericanDream’s STORY — loosely basing it on his one — for each part of the sequence (the story is below).

Here is the ORIGINAL sequence:

-Part 1: www.deviantart.com/kawaiidebu/…
-Part 2: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-II…
-Part 3: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-II… (This one is the original version of the image above).
-Part 4: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-IV…
-Part 5: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-V-…
-Part 6: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-VI…
-Part 7: www.deviantart.com/art/Part-VI…

Here are all my edits of the sequence, including the story that accompanies them. As I am only editing a few IMAGES, but I’m doing ALL the STORY, I have occasionally put multiple stories in with the same image.

-Part 1, 2 and 3: You are here.
-Part 4 and 5: www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…
-Part 6: www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…
-Part 7: www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…
-Part 8 (Bonus): www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…
-Part 9 (Bonus): www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…
-Part 10 (Bonus): www.deviantart.com/maia-sphair…

I should point out that each STORY Part corresponds directly to the respective IMAGE Part. Most STORY Parts correspond to my EDITED image Part, but if I haven’t edited a particular image, then the story corresponds to the ORIGINAL image PART. Does that make any sense at all?

Additionally, I should point out that TheAmericanDream’s story takes place over a whole semester, but MINE takes place in around a week. MY story, I believe, is also more accurate to the weight of Hermione DEPICTED in the images, as well as the calorific intake she goes through in relation to the weight she gains (this basically means its more realistic).

Part 1: Tuesday 25th August 1992, 7 am

Hermione was just thinking about what a wonderful day it was — especially for the first day back at term; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and everything seemed right with the world. Hermione, having just gotten out of bed, put on her Hogwartz uniform and decided to stroll down to the Great Hall early; she was simply ravenous. As she approached, she could smell warm eggs, bacon and sausages.

Hermione had indulged until she was full at the start-of-term feast only yesterday, but was surprised at just how hungry she felt; she could have eaten a Hippogriff. As the delightful wafts from the Great Hall met her nostrils again, she thought to herself, “Things are getting amazing.”

Suddenly, violently, Hermione’s stomach gave an ear-splitting groan.

Little did the young witch know, she was well on her way to Hog Heaven... in fact, her following meal alone was something to behold.

End Part 1.

Part 2: Tuesday 25th August 1992, 9 am

Hermione finished breakfast right at the end of its designated time slot, after swallowing seventh helpings of greasy meat. Her skirt was tight, and the way her doughy flesh stretched the fabric of her sweater made it appear as if she was sneaking several loaves of bread underneath her shirt. She slowly got up, attempting to keep her balance, the tens of thousands of calories having taken its toll on her figure, despite having only just finished being eaten. She had consumed twenty pounds of meat in that meal, not to mention heaps of other things.

Obviously, thirty thousand calories tends to have its toil on your figure. Apart from her big belly, Hermione now sported some generous breasts and some more-than-ample hips. Some might say it was impossible for a person to eat that much in a single sitting: not to mention weight being piled on her body so quickly. But Hermione, of course, lived in a school of Wizardry.

"How did this happen?” she scowled, “What a mess!" She pulled down her sweater over her now flabby gut, which her clothes were slowly riding up. When she left, Hermione let out a little gasp as she found out that her thighs now rubbed as she walked. She felt how big they were, and was surprised to discover that she couldn’t fit both her hands around the circumference of a single jiggly leg. Nervously, she tugged her skirt down, but found that a newly formed pair of fleshy mounds had wedged it in place on her growing body.

Her weight seemed to magnify as Hermione made her way to her first class, potions; she was over a stone and a half heavier than she had been at the start of the meal. She felt awfully heavy and self-conscious, and arrived at her first class, potions, late, panting, despite the fact the classroom wasn’t that far from the Great Hall.

She snuck into the cold dungeon; luckily, Snape hadn’t noticed her late arrival. As Hermione found her seat, she walked past a large black pot of strange green liquid.
"Gumbo, perhaps?" Hermione exclaimed, without a second thought; it had a sweet and tempting aroma — fit for a king, she thought.
"Better not, little pupil: that's not food," said a cold voice, suddenly.
“Oh, you startled me, Professor Snape!"
"I’d say you're not your normal show-off self today,” Snape sneered, “As any fool should realise, this is a Seduction Solution. Five points from Gryffindor.”

As Hermione turned to go back to her seat, Snape put a cold hand on her shoulder and hissed in to her ear.
“And also looking a bit portly around the middle, aren't we?" Snape said, poking Hermione's thick stomach with his index finger. It sank deeply into her soft flesh, making the thirty thousand calories churn inside her.

End Part 2.

Part 3: Wednesday 26th August 1992, 10 am

Hermione slowly sat down at her desk, attempting to get a hold of the situation. "I've put on 98 pounds in just a day, what's going on?" she thought, as she wedged her large pillowy bottom into her proportionally tiny desk. A pouty expression ran across her face, making her fat cheeks puff out, while her chin rested neatly atop a newly formed second one.

It was now the second day of term, and since her massive breakfast yesterday, Hermione had eaten lunch, dinner, and another breakfast, each one as large or larger than the meal before. It was her second lesson of the day, and after a humiliating experience in Transfiguration where multiple people had been glad to point out Hermione’s very recent weight gain, she was in the potions classroom.

Just as the pudgy witch squeezed in to her seat, Snape called her name.
"Miss Granger, are you even paying attention? Could you come up to the board and show the class how this potions equation is done?"
"Y-yes sir,” she replied, sheepishly. Hermione had to feverishly wriggle her way out of the desk she had just snugly fit into minutes ago. She knew how to solve the equation, of course, but was reluctant to present her new form in front of the class for obvious reasons; she had gained ten and a half stone since her last potions lesson, and that was yesterday.

Hermione began to waddle her way up to the chalkboard, sweating profusely; her thighs rubbed against each other as she made her way up to the front of the class.
She took the chalk from Snape in a sweaty pudgy hand, and immediately felt scared. How could she have forgotten? Her skirt, which had just about fit her yesterday, was now painfully tight, and multiple ‘ladders’ had formed around the bottom where her huge legs had ripped the material... not only that, but rapid growth up in Hermione’s chest area had caused the plump student to neglect the use of bras, as absolutely none would fit; she was fairly certain her nipples were now showing through her stretched-thin shirt and jumper.

Slowly, with shaking hands, Hermione began writing on the chalkboard, but suddenly stopped abruptly; she thought she had heard laughter.

She stared out into the classroom, but it had fallen completely silent. Her huge shelf of a butt pressed firmly against the chalkboard, and in the silence it knocked an eraser on to the floor. Professor Snape cleared his throat and a few students now began to chuckle among the classroom.
"This is the worst,” she thought to herself, “The absolute worst. I've bloated up like a stuffed prize hog.”

Indeed she had; ignoring the aforementioned ass that was folded up against the wall, Hermione’s belly had formed two chubby rolls, with a third one made by the painful waistband of her pitiful skirt. While she was facing the class, those protruding nipples and the ladders of her skirt were on clear display, as well as her big pale doughy legs; her calves alone were as thick as most other people’s thighs.

Slowly, she turned her portly frame around to face the board again, those large flabby stomach rolls poking the edge of the chalkboard. Hermione blushed furiously and frowned as she heard a loud outcry of laughter from behind her. She turned around again — much quicker than before — wondering what in particular was so funny.

Little did the big porker know, her entire voluminous bottom had been powdered with chalk rubbings; the entire equation, as well as her solving, had been rubbed off the board. Not only that, but, unseen by Hermione, there was a derogatory message inscribed on the board behind her, commenting on her newfound mass. The accompanying figure of the piggy girl herself did the message justice: “Hermione is FAT”.

This, however, was not the end of Hermione's battle of the bulge.

End Part 3.

So, some of you may be wondering what I actually edited in this piece. Here is a list of the CHANGES I have made to the ORIGINAL:

-Most obviously, added nipples poking through her jumper.
-Changed the top of her jumper to show some cleavage.
-Added a couple of ladders to the bottom of the skirt.
-Shortened the jumper to show a little bit of flesh.
-Thickened the tops of her thighs so they touch.
-Added ‘Hermione is FAT’ and ‘MS ‘18’ to the chalkboard (yes, I know it’s 2019 but I was still adjusting when I did the edits).

I have to say that of all the IMAGES in the sequence that I’ve edited, I’m LEAST happy with this one.