Celtic Corset by MaillerPhong on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
MaillerPhong on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/maillerphong/art/Celtic-Corset-101290926MaillerPhong
Deviation Actions
Daily Deviation
January 15, 2010
" An absolutely original idea executed perfectly! A very clean design, yet sexy and exciting! This is probably the most clever way of combining fashion with fetish! " -rdevill
Celtic Corset by *MaillerPhong
Published: Oct 20, 2008
A new design.
Super thanks to and for the mannequin!
Edit: Super thanks to for suggesting and for DD'ing this. A year and a half later, this is still one of my favorite designs.
Edit 2: The initial tying took about 2 hours to work out, and 30-40 minutes to tie the final version. It laces up just like a real corset, and is quite comfortable to wear.
Image size
1056x704px 356.34 KB