am I evil? by majigoma on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

ok so first of all I want to thank aaaall the awesome people who decided to watch me after I submitted my last fanart ;Ä;~ <33 usually I thank each one on their profile but there where too many at once and I just couldn't write all of you soooo: thank youuu so much! *__*~ <33

and well, this fanart is really just a quick little drawing I did in a hurry >u<~ I'm currently really busy since I'm moving out of my parents' house and oifgbkslnf I barely find time to do anything else atm x'D so I'm really sorry that I can't upload any fancy fanarts right now, I just don't have the time ;0; sorry <3~

I kinda wanted to draw flame princess anyway because I never included her in group pictures so far so I thought I should draw her so people don't think I hate her xDD'' because I don't, I really like her and I especially like her with the new shorter hair *3*~

so yeah~ I know the fanart is pretty unspectacular but yeah... I'm just happy when I finally moved out so I have time again... x'D