badass bubblegum by majigoma on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

weeeh I'm not dead xD....
but I do feel like a zombie somehow :''D

first of all:
I am so sorry about being sooo super damn inactive lately ._. I know it's been ages since I uploaded something and disufbkjsdfbjkfbjb
the reason is I have like no free time at all lately... university is killing me I'm at university from morning until evening, then I come home and have to study like crazy ._. and there's also some personal stuff going on in my life that's not going too well and god -_-, I just want to rest. but there's still so much I have to study for and =_= what is sleep anyway.

buuut last weekend I finally found some hours to draw a really crappy fanart and I thought I'd upload it anyway because otherwise I would upload nothing and I wanted to let you guys know that I'm not dead. x'D and I did not find the time to upload it until now xD'''' and I actually should be studying right now but I'm too tired .__. /I'll have to do it anyways orz/
and thanks for all the new watchers *Ä* <33 I'm sorry you found my gallery now that I'm quite inactive ._.; hope it will change after exams (which are in july.) <_>

and concerning the fanart:
I love that PB isn't the typical type of princess that is cute/pretty, kinda weak and depending on some random hero-guy. xD she's pretty badass on her own and she's intelligent and I just think it's awesome to have a girl character like this in a cartoon show :3

ok byeeee <3