Concept car for Sangria by MaKuZoKu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Some quick sketches i did last night .
It's been a long time i wanted to do that. My new wacom helped me a bit .
Got to say this is the first time i draw a 100% digital stuff,and the first time i 'm doing a car (maybe ... :| )

Okay,here is the concept : I want a vehicle (not a tank this time) for Sangria's manga. But i want it recognizable about the colors and all, then feel free to propose more ideas,corrections and all. Oh and i want it destoyed, ruined and dangerous xD

I was very inspired by a video game, a FPS, very known, what do you think it is ? :D
"EDIT": looks like nobody care about it xD Alright this is Half Life 2 Episode 2 's Yellow Car. :P

Oh and yeah >
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Sangria © Maku Zoku 2012