DC Remake Spoiler by Malfar on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Malfar on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/malfar/art/DC-Remake-Spoiler-713702030Malfar

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Published: Nov 6, 2017


Ted Knight, a genius inventor, could have become the savior of humanity - but after the first failures he became bitter and chose the wayc of a super-criminal. He became Captain Cold, but his son, Jack Knight, never agreed to this. He has sworn to always spoil his father's plans - to that end he at first "accidentally" jumbled his father's Cold Gun settings, or warned the police. But when Jack felt that it was not enough he went all-out and created a new costumed identity of Spoiler and became his father's personal enemy.

Image size

800x1200px 194.7 KB