Disney Bent - The Princess/Florence by MaliceInTheAbyss on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Nov 28, 2020
I decided to genderbend some of the Disney Princes. Here is the first prince, "The Prince" from Snow White. His name was never said in the film, but his official name is "Florian", so this is "Florence", aka "The Princess". Not as pretty as her beloved (Thank goodness, otherwise the Evil Queen would have had two targets), but still very lovely, and a little rugged. She enjoys horseback riding and singing in the courtyard. She chooses not to wear a tiara or anything because they tend to fall off during her horse rides (girl has no sense of "slow", everything is "gotta go fast"). She, like her girlfriend Snow, is a vegetarian. Although, Snow may or may not have been the reason she converted.
Snow White = Disney.
The Princess design = Me~!
Base = SelenaEde www.deviantart.com/selenaede/a…
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2912x4664px 162.33 KB