Fluttermac and discord by MalinRaf1615 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Well yes guys! i'm starting commissions ! and it's for an emergency!

My confirmation godmother has to be operated on for a tumor, and I want to

make commissions to be able to contribute something to her operation,she did ask for help but it was denied,

so please, if you can spread, share, or other stuff,

I would really appreciate it!

Just something that i wanted to draw with them, and i tried a new style soo i think it looks cute (also a jealous discord in the background xD CUZ why not) I always thought that Big Mac would get sometimes hurt while doing his job in Sweet Apple Acres, soo Fluttershy takes care of him
when that happens. Discord doesn't like that idea xDD.

MLP:FIM  © Hasbro and Lauren Faust