March of War | North America 1910 by Mamoed on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The Napoleonic Wars ended with the victory of France and the defeat of Great Britain, which was defeated not only in the European and Asian directions, but also in the American one. The Anglo-American War was lost miserably by the British. At the end of the continental wars, Great Britain suffered huge territorial losses not only on the European continent, India and Africa, but also in North America - the British returned Quebec to the French, which was taken by them under the Paris Treaty of 1763, and the remaining little-developed North American lands were gradually given away or sold to the Americans, not having the ability and desire to supply and support them.

Therefore, by the end of the 20th century, after the revolution, the British Commonwealth lost almost all of its colonies in North America, retaining only Newfoundland and a number of small islands in various parts of the continent, forever becoming a minor player in the geopolitics of this region.

The French, having completed military affairs in Europe, turned their eyes to North America, in particular to Quebec and Hispaniola. The British, when they were in possession of Quebec, did not disdain the infringement of the local French population - the French, having returned their former colony, responded in the same way. Anglophones living in the territory of Quebec and Acadia were subjected to mass deportations and, in fact, genocide, which lasted the entire 19th century. The French imperial government also facilitated the emigration of the French population from the Continent to Quebec. Thus, closer to the start of the Great War, Quebec was an ethnically pure region inhabited exclusively by the French.

French troops who tried to regain control of Hispaniola after the outbreak of the Haitian Revolution in 1802 returned again after the victory in the Napoleonic Wars. Having defeated the Negro resistance, the island again completely became part of the French Empire. The Mexican Empire became a regional ally of France, which gained independency under the patronage of France, in exchange for the fact that the country would be ruled by an emperor from the Napoleonic dynasty. Spain, after the war, being unable to pursue a colonial policy in Mexico and being completely controlled by France, was unable to resist the Mexican separatists.

America, which supported France during the active phase of the wars, became her new important trading partner. The partnership was sealed with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. However, relations between France and the United States worsened after the Texas War of Independence and its annexation, as losing Mexico was a French ally and trading partner. Mexican Empire, which was overwhelmed by separatist uprisings, lost significant lands of California, Central America, and Texas.

Shortly after the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the declaration of independence, the states of Central America united in the Federal Republic. Despite the political and economic crisis of the mid-19th century, the country managed to survive and not fall apart.

Economic, social, political and geographic

differences within the United States reached their peak in the middle of the 19th century, which led to the separation of the southern states into a separate confederate state, and the beginning of the civil war. The French Empire, dependent on Confederate agricultural exports and also being hostile towards the United States, strongly supported the Southerners, providing them with international recognition, as well as financial and military assistance.

Because the US had a stronger industry and military, and the CSA had international support and a strong economy, the war dragged on for a long time and with varying success. Success of the Southerners in the Northern Virginia, Maryland and Gettysburg campaigns, as well as the pressure of France and its allies and intervention of french troops in Civil War, eventually forced the federal government to conclude a peace agreement. The secession of the southern states ended in success: 14 original states of the South finally seceded from the United States, the Confederate States of America finally became an independent state.

Thanks to successful military operations, at the end of the war the Confederacy was able to annex other southern states in which pro-Southern and pro-slavery sentiments were strong. State of Missouri was divided by Missouri river. Northern part of the state remained as part of United States, while lower part was annexed by CSA as the new state of Ozark. The Confederacy also annexed states of Maryland, Delaware, New Mexico, as well as the southern part of California, which was transformed into a separate state called Colorado.

After the war, the United States began to gradually isolate itself from the outside world, reducing world trade and restricting diplomatic ties. The loss of the southern territories meant for the country the loss of 70% of exports, in connection with which industrial and economic growth slowed down significantly. Being in close proximity to the territory of the southern hostile neighbor, Washington during the second half of the 19th century lost its capital status of the United States. In the end, the capital of the state was moved to New York. After the war, the previously undeveloped territories abandoned by the British - Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan - joined the Union as States.

The Confederate States, which gained independence, became the main trading partner and ally of France on the American continent. Being one of the richest states in the world at the time of independence, the Confederation was able to quickly recover from the war, and at the end of the 19th century to carry out mass industrialization and army reform, which were able to compete with their northern neighbor. Washington, previous capital of United States, became the new capital of the Confederacy in place of Richmond.

Soon after gaining independence, the Confederate States began to pursue their own colonial policy - they bought out numerous British colonies, such as Jamaica or the Bahamas, and at the end of the century, the Confederation, along with the advanced world powers, participated in the partition of Africa. Under the influence of French liberal ideas, slavery was abolished in the country at the end of the century, but racist laws and segregation were still pervasive. After the abolition of slavery, the government of the Confederation implemented a plan for large-scale deportation (including forcible) of the Negro population to Africa (Liberia, Nigeria and others) and the United States. Thus, by the end of the 19th century, the Negro population in country had halved, amounting to about two million people.

Confederate States of America was pursuing active expansion policy on the mainland too. Thus, shortly after the end of the civil war, Confederacy intervened in the civil war in Mexico along with France, the goal of which was to maintain power of the Napoleon dynasty in the country, against which uprising originally was directed. The uprising itself was suppressed, and territories occupied by Dixie troops were annexed by Confederacy with the tacit consent of the French side. Thus 4 more new states were created inside CSA - Baja California, Davis (formerly Sonora), Sibley (formerly Chihuahua) and Rio Grande. Humiliated Mexico never admitted the loss of the northern states.

Russia was the only country that supported the North in the civil war. The withdrawal of the British from the continent, the economic crisis in the United States and the hostility of France forced Russia to strengthen their presence in Alaska. After the discovery of significant gold reserves in Alaska at the end of the century, the intensity of Russian migration from the continent increased significantly. Thus, in the 10s of the 20th century, several large Russian cities grew on the territory of Alaska, and a permanent military presence of the imperial army also appeared.

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by major upheavals for North America. Tensions in Europe between France and her allies and the coalition of Russia, Prussia and Britain spilled over into America. The United States is preparing to take revenge on the Confederation - its old enemy and part-time main ally of France outside Europe, and to regain its influence lost in the middle of the last century. The southerners, who have acquired a powerful army and industry, being one of the strongest economies in the world, will defend themselves to the end. Mexico, being a country dependent on France, is also ready to enter the war on its side.

Time is running. Together with him, the March of War comes with a heavy gait. Its echoes are heard all over the world. The Great War is coming. Who will become the new hegemon in America, and maybe around the world?