Hold Still by Mangsney on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Bleach © Kubo Tite.

Parchment Paper Texture © Photos Public Domain [link]

For :icondebbiechan:.

I've been working on Ritual, I promise I have, but this one just came to me one evening not too long ago and who am I to say no to sudden IshiHime inspiration, eh? I did my best to focus on it and finish it as quickly as possible, and I did, so yay, points for me!

I used the same atmosphere/lighting I used for a GinRan piece I never finished (Kiss Me Like The Final Meal, with the colour WIP here if you're interested). I'm not sure the shading always makes a lot of sense, but it looks nice.

Maybe this could be an early Valentine's Day piece…?

We all know I'm not likely to do another one by then.

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It's already on tumblr: [link] Please reblog instead of reposting