Pikmin 4 Crew by MarieYeet on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here are our intrepid explorers you'd be playing as in my Pikmin 4.

I don't like the idea of an OC character being the main for the next installment for the story. Maybe Nintendo could've done like idk, a spin-off type of game. Like Mario Party or Sonic Riders. Instead they rewrote the previous games to fit whatever, pardon my language, this bull crap is they went with.

Lore: Their current planet is a bit crowded, so it's high time they branch out. Their mission is simple; find a new home planet to live on, and survive.

You remember the end of Pikmin 3? After the credits? No? I do. There was a ship that crashed in the background. In these concepts, that was their ship. The area they'd be exploring is a mountain side forest, full of thick trees, bushes, and snow. There would be different places within the mountain range to explore, but the goal of the game would be to gather resources and supplies to bring back to base to fend off with at night.


Kandi: She's a sweet and spunky gal that thrives for exploration and adventure. Her endless curiosity energizes her to never back down from the wonders, or dangers of this new and exciting world around her.

Mechanics: She would be the main go-getter of the team, and be doing most of the exploring. For co-op mode, she would be player1.

Celri: Stickly and satirical, this young lad offers a fresh perspective of the creatures that live on this new planet. Though with a bit of a bitter and sour attitude, he will do what he can to make sure that the mission goes smoothly and that his comrades stay out of trouble.

Mechanics: He would be the info dumper of any and all things alive, providing hints like weaknesses to bosses, secret paths, and did you knows on different pikmin. For single player, you can send him off to do tasks like build bridges, carry back items, and defeat enemies. In co-op mode, he would be player2.

Bregsket or Breg for short: He may be big and tough on the outside, but he's an even bigger softy for anything small and cute. He savors every moment he has with his crew and will do anything he can to keep them safe. He's a skilled crafter and can build just about anything. As long as you have materials, that is.

Mechanics: He would be in charge of building the base to survive at night. Using the stuff you bring back during the day to make traps and weapons to fight waves of hunger crazed enemies. Pikmin would also have different uses during the night. During the day he'd stay back at base to either work on defenses or take power naps.

???: Deep in the forest, there's a rumble. Then another. Then another. A shadow that stretches far into the overhead looms ever so often, then vanishes. Non of the crew know what could be causing the periodic shakes in the ground, nor the random eclipsing of the midday sun. Whatever it is, it hasn't come near the base, thank goodness. Although, there are strange craters that lead to an opening out of the forest. What's beyond thick greenery of wood and pine? As Kandi would say, "We'll never know, unless we go!"