Tex Sketches by marizzo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

"The memory of her, has haunted me my entire life..."

I like some of these more than others. And I'll probably do more. Because Tex. Like.

What a fucking BAMF.

I'm just gonna dump out my Tex/Church head-canon here, because I really like it, and I think they're relationship has a lot of vagueness to work with, and I might like, make a comic about it if I ever have time. I think the tie-in with the canon halo universe is also really plausible. So if you're not interested, feel free to move right along. Also, potential spoilers. Yay!


So in my mind, Allison was a distinguished ODST marine, who was a stunningly good soldier, but refused many opportunities for promotion, because she would rather be on the field than work behind the scenes. She fought in the Covenant wars, and was in one of the last groups to leave Reach before it went kablooie. She had been up close and personal with the aliens, and the events on Reach left her a bit mentally scarred. After her deployment there, she was given a very long leave of absence to recuperate, as a reward for her outstanding service. During her time on Reach, however, she began to think of herself as a sacrifice for the good of humanity, willing to throw herself into any situation, even if it meant her death. Struggling to cope with the transition from this ultimate-sacrifice mindset to mundane life, while the war still raged on in other galaxies, she became very alcoholic, and blew most of her money on booze. Unable to afford transportation back to Earth, she spent her leave in New Albany, a big city on a small planet, and a renowned ghetto. Here she worked up quite a criminal record dolling out impromptu vigilante justice to the local scum-bags, until eventually her UNSC superiors made her a special file, to avoid having to deal with the local authorities so much (under the condition of staying sober enough to be considered 'not-an-addict').

Cut to Leonard Church, who's a young technological researcher working with the UNSC on the Halsey/Spartan case. He's uncovering loads of evidence about the maltreatment of the Spartans and ridiculously dangerous nature of Halsey's work, and despises the program. As Halsey's work becomes more well-known, different divisions of the government keep trying to replicate it more safely/cheaply, mostly with soldiers instead of children, but the success rate is climbing too slowly (these programs eventually lead to the SPARTAN-IVs like Sarah Palmer in Halo 4, who were adult volunteers). Church adamantly opposed most of these groups, on account of the very dangerous enhancement drugs and training regimen that were necessary to make super-soldiers. At this point, Church takes up residence in New Albany, which is close enough to the action that he can keep up-to-date on his research.

One night, Church watches Allison deck some thugs in their subway car, and falls in love with her. The two become 'friends,' at least to the extent that someone as aggressive and unpredictable as Allison could maintain a friendship. After a while, Church tries to establish a relationship with her. She is reluctant to consider them 'together' at first, but sporadically very attached to him. She cheats on him, and steals from him, and vanishes for days at a time, but always comes back within a few weeks. Over time, she becomes more predictable, and stays with him longer and longer, until the two are practically an established couple. However, she becomes more and more interested in his Spartan research, and itches to return to combat as the Covenant war continues. After about a year with Church, she becomes pregnant, and little Carolina is born 9 months later.

By this point, Allison is constantly torn between her non-military life and the difference she could make in the war. She alternately loves and hates combat, and alternately loves and hates Church/her daughter for pulling her away from it. She asks more and more about Church's research, and eventually starts talking with some of the second-hand Spartan programs, desperate to make a difference. When Church finds out, he's furious, and Allison leaves for a month. When she returns, she's become slightly alcoholic again, and in a drunken fit tells him that as much as she hates the war, she would rather die trying to end it than have other people die for her. Knowing that he can't stop her, Church does his best to find her the safest training. By now, the success rate for training super-soldiers has risen significantly to about 90%, and he realizes that she could make all the difference in the field, regardless of how much he disagrees with the ethics of the Spartan programs. So he goes along with her decision, begrudgingly, and Allison ships out for training.

Allison did extremely well during her training, promising to be the squad leader when her regimen entered the field. But despite her determination and the high success rate, her body unexpectedly rejected the treatments, and she died suddenly during training, before ever reaching combat. This penultimate failure overcomes Church, and consumes his mind. He becomes convinced that she must have died for a reason, that her reaction must have been the key to producing safe, easy-to-train Spartans. Neglecting his young daughter, he obsessively researches super-soldiers and AI's for the next 20-ish years. His daughter eventually joins the army, hoping to make him proud. She too excels in her division, though Church pays her no attention. By now, he is determined to build the perfect super-soldier, to fulfill the dreams that Allison never could. Eventually, driven mad by his loss, he creates Alpha to help him research even further, and with Alpha, Beta is created too.

At first, Beta is just a shadow of an AI, barely functional, but as Church and Alpha get closer to developing what would become Project Freelancer, she becomes more sophisticated. Church begins training soldiers, including his daughter. Eventually, Beta becomes nearly sentient, and doesn't seem aware of the fact that she is an AI. She is in storage most of the time, but her presence intrigues Church, so he pushes Alpha harder, trying to find out where she came from. In the program, the soldiers are being trained vigorously, with many fatalities during early training, and by this point, Project Freelancer's death toll is far higher than other programs (though its soldiers are also better trained), and UNSC officials are starting to take notice of it. Unconcerned by this, Church eventually creates a suit that can house an AI, and implants Beta into it. She seems oblivious to her blatantly inhuman characteristics (such as not being able to remove her armor), and while she doesn't necessarily consider herself a person, she clearly doesn't know (or at least doesn't think about) what she is. She excels in training, but Church (now the Director), is obsessed with keeping her safe. So he pushes Alpha even harder, trying to find out where she came from, and eventually Alpha's logic fragments off and produces Delta. He implants Delta in one of his soldiers (york), and keeps producing AI fragments, hoping that these tiny, computerized parts of himself will be enough to protect Tex and end the war once and for all.


... In other news, I'm incapable of keeping the tense of the words consistent. Words!