Ocean Faerie by Marjolijn-Ashara on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Marjolijn-Ashara's avatar

Published: Mar 12, 2011


Yay! Another photo manipulation. I started on a different one somewhere this week, but that didn't go anywhere... So a new theme, another faerie! :heart: Yes, I plan to do all different 'realm' manips, I love them! This took a while to get 'just right'. I still might revisit this one and make a new one... Don't know. But I'm happy with it :aww:

EDIT: fixed the eyelashes.

Stock used:
Eye: ~erykucciola-sToCk's eye 24: [link]
Eyelashes: *redheadstock's Eyelash Brushes [link]
Scales: *Dadstock's Scales - Texture: [link]
Brushes: Mine... :evillaugh:

Other Manips:

Image size

1024x1163px 904.16 KB