QUICKIE: Storm Drain by MartenFerret on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

If this comic looks a little off ...there's a reason for that (more later).

Seems Tasli has taken Mubba to the entrance of a spooky storm drain. Let's see what happens...

TASLI: "They say it leads to another world. Either way, no one I knew who's ever gone in there has come out!"

MUBBA (skeptical): "I don't believe you, Tasli! You've tricked me too many times!"

[Mubba begins to craw into the drain]

TASLI (suppressing concern): "Uh, I didn't dare you, Mubba. You don't have to go in"

MUBBA (calmly): I know---But I'm not afraid. I can see in the dark, and it's just a drain"

[Tasli watches Mubba vanish into the tunnel]

TASLI (calling): Mubba!? What's it like!?"

MUBBA (from the tunnel): "Well, I was almost out the other end, but there's a web in the way, and the water's getting deeper---I don't want to get my shorts wet!"

TASLI (annoyed): "A web? So what!? You're about to conquer the Tunnel of Death for cryin' out loud! And who cares about your stupid shorts!?"

MUBBA: "I do, Tasli. I'm coming out!"

TASLI (apologetic; to reader): "Well, he almost did something cool!"

MUBBA (perked; from the tunnel): "Wait... There's something here!"

TASLI (unsure): "There is? Really? I mean, I told you! ...What is it? ...Mubba?"

MUBBA (from tunnel): Hold up---this is a delicate operation!"

[minutes later... Mubba emerges from the tunnel, accompanied by a yellow vixen]

MUBBA (to Tasli): "Sorry I took so long---had to rescue the princess from the ogre! ...Heh! Who'd've thought ogers are afraid of spiders!?"

TASLI (dumbfounded; to reader): The legends were true!"

Oh my! D:

Ok, so what's wrong with the comic (aside from the fact that 'I' drw it)?

Well, you know how sometimes you feel obliged to draw a story, but you have no ideas whatsoever? That happened here.
I was listening to random nonsense on YT, frustrated that I was in a rare drawing mood, but hadn't any stories in mind to draw. So... I 'just drew'.

I drew the first panel with no idea as to how to proceed. I just sort of made the art and dialogue up completely as I went. I draw faster than I think, and my thoughts aren't always coherent, but I (oddly) didn't hate the drawing.

Now the upload we're looking at does NOT honestly reflect the original line art. The second panel was originally under the first, with just a blank space next to the first panel.
I proceeded to draw panels 3-5, then panel 7 (skipping '6', ie 'delicate operation).
After re-reading the story, I figured there needed to be something between (then) panels 5 and 6. So, in the blank space next to the first panel, I hastily scribbled (what is now) panel 6.
I used an app to rearrange the panels ...which is why the second panel is smaller than the others, proportionally (I had to reduce its width---I didn't want to change the first panel).

The original art (with harmful sun rays!): sta.sh/01ytxyuitlfa

Basically, the red marks circle the panel and tell me where to move it. Sure, I could have redrawn the whole thing (I've been known to redraw some comics several times), but I don't LIKE the story THAT much (and no one watching me expects quality).


The featured pencil is a bonded lead specimen from Linton Pencil Co. It's old, plain, boring, and has effectively no collector value. ^^

Featuring pencils such is this one is (usually) done as a passive-aggressive act against the art.