An evening like no other by Mary-Jane-virgin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

An evening like no other.

Chapter 1 :

A Dark Interrogation

It was a dark and stormy night in the small town of Willow Creek. Roxane sat nervously in the cold interrogation room of the police station. Outside, she could hear the howling wind and pounding rain as a fierce storm raged.

She had been brought in for questioning about the strange events that had been occurring over the past few nights. People had begun disappearing from their homes, and the few witnesses reported seeing terrifying monsters roaming the streets.

Inspector Marks entered the room, file in hand. "Miss Roxane, we need to ask you some questions. Where were you last night between the hours of midnight and 2am?" he asked gruffly.

Roxane swallowed hard. "I-I was at home in bed," she stammered. The inspector eyed her suspiciously. "We have reports that you've been playing that new survival horror video game, 'Devour'. Several witnesses claim to have seen the monsters from the game attacking people. It seems they've escaped into the real world. Do you have anything to do with this?"

Monsters Attack

Just then, a blood curdling scream was heard from outside, followed by more screams and cries for help. The inspector jumped up and ran to the window. "My god," he gasped in horror. Two of the grotesque monsters from Devour were shambling down the street, eviscerating anyone in their path. More screams filled the air as more monsters appeared from the shadows.

Roxane peered out the window in terror. One of the monsters turned and seemed to lock eyes with her. It let out an unearthly roar and lurched towards the station. "We need to get out of here, NOW!" yelled the inspector. But it was too late. The monsters had the building surrounded. As Roxane and the inspector backed away in fear, the walls began to crumble. The monsters were coming…

A Narrow Escape

As the monsters closed in, Roxane frantically looked around the interrogation room for anything that could help them escape. Her eyes fell on the ventilation grate high on the wall. "Inspector, boost me up!" she yelled.

Marks clasped his hands together and hoisted Roxane up. She pulled at the grate with all her strength until it came loose. "Climb through, hurry!" she said. Marks scrambled into the ventilation duct just as the wall exploded inward in a shower of rubble.

One of the monsters lunged at Roxane but she rolled out of the way. Scrambling into the duct, she pulled the grate back into place just as a clawed hand smashed against it. They crawled as fast as they could through the narrow tunnel as the sounds of destruction echoed behind them.

Through the Vents

After what seemed like an eternity, they emerged into an empty office. Roxane and Marks dropped to the floor, exhausted. "We need to find a way out before more of those things show up," panted Marks. Roxane spotted a map on the wall and an idea came to her. "Follow me, I think I know a route to the back exit!"

They stealthily made their way through the deserted halls, taking cover whenever they heard monsters nearby. Finally, they reached the exit and burst outside into the raging storm. As they fled into the night, the police station collapsed behind them in a fiery inferno. For now, they had escaped the horrors within - but the true nightmare was just beginning.

A Daring Escape

Roxane and Detective Marks knew they had to find a way to escape the chaos in the streets. As the police station burned, they spotted a police car in the parking lot.

Outside, the scene was one of pure horror. People were running in all directions, desperately trying to escape the clutches of the monstrous creatures. The air was filled with screams and the sickening sound of flesh being torn apart.

Roxane and Marks jumped into the police car, their hearts pounding with fear. Marks fumbled with the keys, her hands trembling. Finally, the engine roared to life, and they sped off into the night.

As they navigated through the chaotic streets, they witnessed the gruesome sight of people being devoured by the monsters. It was a horrifying scene that would haunt them forever. But they couldn't afford to dwell on it now; their focus was on survival.

Inspector Marks skillfully maneuvered the police car, weaving through the debris-strewn roads and avoiding the monsters as best as he could. The wailing sirens and flashing lights of the patrol car seemed to momentarily deter the creatures, giving them a slight advantage.

They raced through the city, desperately searching for a way out. The radio crackled with reports of the escalating situation and pleas for assistance. It was clear that the authorities were overwhelmed and struggling to contain the chaos.

With each passing moment, the monsters grew bolder, lunging at the car and leaving claw marks on the windows. Roxane and Marks could feel the creatures' hunger and desperation closing in on them.

Finally, they spotted a barricade up ahead, manned by a group of police officers desperately trying to hold back the advancing horde. Inspector Marks accelerated towards them, honking the horn and flashing the lights to get their attention.

The officers quickly realized their intent and cleared a path for the fleeing duo. With a burst of speed, Roxane and Marks broke through the barricade, leaving the monsters behind.

As they drove away, the chaos of the city slowly faded into the distance. Roxane and Inspector Marks were safe, but the memory of the nightmarish events would forever be etched in their minds.

Crash and Burn

The police car swerved violently as a hideous monster slammed into the side, its sharp claws tearing through the metal. Roxane screamed as the vehicle overturned and crashed upside down. Dazed, she looked at Inspector Marks. "How are you ?"

"I'm fine," he grunted, unbuckling his seatbelt. "We need to move, now!"

They crawled from the mangled wreck just as the creature descended upon it. Marks drew his shotgun and fired point blank into its chest. The beast reeled back with an unearthly shriek.

"Here, take this," Marks said, pressing a pistol into Roxane's hand. More monsters were converging on their location, drawn by the noise and smell of blood.

Roxane's hands trembled but she steeled herself. The creatures were nightmares made flesh, all teeth and claws and soulless hunger. She aimed and fired, again and again, dropping the monsters before they could reach her.

Marks continued blasting with the shotgun until they had carved a path through the horde. "This way, we can make it to the barricade!" Marks yelled. Together they ran through the rainy darkness, pursued by shrieks and howls. Roxane sent a silent prayer that they would somehow survive this nightmare.


The rest of this story soon.