MassEffect-pLace | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Comments 198

Hello, would you be interested in adding this shot of Liara I did?
Liara T'Soni by wmfl1980
Thanks for considering!

Sorry about misplacing my fRyder cosplay photo into the fShep folder - Ryder's didn't actually come up in the contribution menu.

I had in Idea for a Daro xen X Shepherd fic.

In it xen get's exiled & join's the Normandy in ME 1 instead of tali, you can see were this could go

Hi people! Thanks for accepting me!! how can i contribute to the FemRyder folder?

I posted one of my pictures in the wrong folder by mistake. Sorry.:| (Blank Stare) Anyone, please move it to another folder.

:iconodrobinka: :iconizoldedeith: :iconrevercetti:

May wanna check out the comments. You guys are accepting some weird stuff.