Homestuck: Ze Trolls by masterofpigs on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

masterofpigs's avatar

Published: Feb 24, 2012


Hands. I cannot draw them well. Or legs, for that matter...

So, now you know what I've been doing for the past week or so. Drawing these guys was way too much fun. I know hundreds of artists have done their own drawings of the twelve trolls, so I decided to take a shot at it for a number of reasons;
1. Practice with the tablet
2. Practice a wide variety of faces
3. To get Homestuck out of my system.
I'll draw the kids one of these days, but for now it's back to Kingdom Hearts(which I apologize for the lack of).

I'm very satisfied with all of them except Kanaya. I feel like I could've drawn her a little better. Oh well, I'll try to improve on that another time. Hope to get the next comic done soon.

Homestuck belongs to :iconandrewhussieplz:.

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965x1629px 489.92 KB