071_Guy_Drunken-Novice by Mau-Acheron on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

More about this project: 2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise! Thank you again!I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality:bulletgreen: What? I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer

Today's sketch is a very funny, and cool character, Guy from a comic, what called 2GAG (Two guys and Guy). I think these comic strips are really funny as the characters too, I really love the humour of the comic, and the style too, what the artist have.
Watch *Drunken-Novice's gallery, and have a lot of funny time! :heart:

Guy (c) :icondrunken-novice:
2012 -The year of Originality project
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Több infó a projektről: 2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise! Thank you again!I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality:bulletgreen: What? I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer

A mai szkeccsen egy nagyon vicces és menő karaktert láthattok, egy szintén nagyon szuper képregényből, a 2GAG-ból, azaz a Two guys and Guy-ból, ami rövid három kockás kis képregényekből áll, és többnyire helyzetkomikumokból, karakterjellemekből kiinduló poénokból áll. De úgy gondolom, hogy érdemes a rajzoló többi munkáját is meglesni, mivel nagyon jó friss stílusa van, biztosan tetszeni fog nektek!
Waccsoljátok *Drunken-Novice gallériáját, és jó szórakozást! :heart:

Guy (c) :icondrunken-novice:
2012 - Az eredetiség éve
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