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My Little Loona

“Man, this Moondancer character can’t punch for shit,” grumbled Loona. The Hellhound brushed away a wisp of her white hair as she fumbled with her game controller. “Is she this crap at fighting in the real world?” Princess Luna sat next to the fuming Hellhound. The large plush-cushioned couch was normally where Luna would play her favorite games with Celestia. Today, however, the Princess of the Night was asked to play host to this vulgar teenage bipedal wolf-woman. Luna coughed, suppressing the urge to lecture her peculiar guest about her foul mouth. “Well, the game is called ‘Them’s Fightin’ Nerds’ for a reason.” “Yeah, because the characters are all wimps. A Hellhound puppy could take these dinguses out real quick! Except for that one dude . . .uh . . . Starburst fruit chew!” “Sunburst, Loona.” After Moondancer got knocked into the sky by the light brown colt, which made him dance on his hind legs, Loona tossed her controller onto the table in front