Lori Almeda by Maverick1238 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Lori almeda
Height: 5’9
Weight: 135 Ibs
Occupation: secretary
residency : los angeles

Born in Brazil, Lori is the daughter of the head of the almeda cartel. They were a notorious crime family which dealt with many illegal activities such as human trafficking and drugs. Lori was shielded from this by her father as he wanted her to have a life away from that. While she grew up in luxury, Lori never knew the truth. She believed her parents worked in construction. Despite her rich background, Lori did not grow up spoiled as her parents were tough but fair to her. They made sure to teach her responsibility and how to be self reliant. One way they did was enabling her to learn martial arts. It helped her strengthen her body and spirit. Once Lori was in high school, she began noticing her family's strange dealings. She saw her father have cryptic talks with business associates and he never seemed to go into his dealings. So one day Lori secretly followed her father to one of his meetings. It was there she saw him murder a man for refusing to do buisness with him. This horrified Lori which led to her getting discovered. Her father found her and was remorseful that she saw what he did. He told her the truth and tried to get her to understand. Lori could not understand and condone what he did. SHe tried to get him to stop his dealings and go legitimate but to no avail. She tried throughout high school as well as college to find a way to stop her family without ruining them. However she soon found no other way but to report them to Interpol. They arrested her parents and seized all their assets. Officially her identity as the leak was never revealed but her parents knew it was her. In their anger and pained states, they disowned their daughter. Lori would be moved to the United States for her safety. There she got a job as a secretary at Apogee industries and built a new life. Despite the pain and guilt, Lori looked forward to building her own life away from her family's legacy. She may even find herself in the role of a hero though she does not know this.


Lori is a pretty confident and hard working woman. When she puts her mind to something, she will accomplish it. Of course that doesn't mean she doesn't like to have fun as she likes a good party. Lori also lives challenging others to sparring matches as she sees it as a chance to get to know people. She also has quite the altruistic heart as she does her best to help people regardless of the situation. Lori can be pretty proud which leads to her having trouble asking for help. Due to her past, she can have issues trusting others, especially with her feelings and past. She also feels a lot of guilt for what she did to her family even if it was the right thing to do. Lori is one woman who can be the best friend you can ever have, if you manage to get through her emotional walls

I hope you guys like Lori's bio and outfit! there may be more to her getup and backstory then I'm letting on though you'll have to wait to find out!