Weather Wizards by MaxVandercat on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Nimbus started dancing then, as she usually did when it was time to ride the uncontrollable ways of the torment.

One step to her centre, on leg up into the air, helped with her powers and the flexibility of her muscles, she started spinning.

The incandescent staff on her right hand, magic waves emerged from it, also going in circles above her.

- Alright Estratus! gogogo!, she said smiling, with the incessant movement of her body.

Pointing up his wand, Estratus started reciting the words unchaining them, the chant of the void, a dangerous process as everything that had to do with wild magic,

but also as dangerous as a sharp edged knife in clumsy hands.

Once there was the dorada

The eterna hour between the day and night.

En los albores del tiempo

When our magic had form and shape

In this old world we find ourselves

To be less than mere conductos

So i, Estratus, am asking a favour

Al poderio inmenso, del Vacio.

Estratus hands felt the immense energy of the plane opening he was holding with the tip of his wooden wand.

Many times he had domain it, but only with the help of his brother and sister. This time nevertheless, the shaking was stronger...

Perhaps, was the void going even more mad? Or...

- CUMULUS!!!, he exclaimed as he turned his gaze to his brother a couple meters below.

Instantly his brother stopped picking his nose.

- It was itchy!!! Sorry! Won't happen again!!!, he said apologizing and sneezing, holding this time with both hands, the glass sphere he always carried.

The sphere and Cumulus started elevating. The air around him became deadly cold, and a dangerous turbulence arose.

"Oh! i see you there old one!, he though while the thing that reflected on the clean surface of his arcane focus, appeared from the clouds above them

The Void was, indeed, once and True Elder force, nowadays a mad one. Maybe there was a slice of its mind still intact, but no one could say... it didn't act that way

"Ain't personal old one! But this is the only way you won't destroy all!" though, while holding the sphere and at the same time, holding the sky itself in its reflection, holding the Void!

"And there they were, at the edge of the world

Cumulus holding the wild force with his will alone

Estratus reciting his formulas, poems and songs,

And Nimbus dancing as there was the only thing she existed for."


So i really loved how this piece came out haha, the third one i made after the two weeks pause (won't show the 2nd one because was really bad hahaha)

Anyway! Hope you like the piece and this small story.