Flight by maybelletea on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

maybelletea's avatar

Published: Feb 6, 2014


So this is the first painting in the challenge I just gave myself to do an Ira/Noelle figure skating painting every month of the year- I decided to do that after I'd already begun this painting, so it'll count as January's and I'll do another this month. (I think I started this in January anyway?)

the composition of the background where the salt is more concentrated coming from Noelle just kind of happened while I was doing it, and I quite like the effect, but I think I should start probably planning things like that out more. xD

Overall I'm pretty happy with this painting. :D

Schminke watercolors, sakura micron ink pens, white acrylic, table salt.

Image size

3011x4246px 23.28 MB