I Am Sprintrap! by mecasekeer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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mecasekeer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mecasekeer/art/I-Am-Sprintrap-961498594mecasekeer

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mecasekeer's avatar

Published: May 8, 2023


Springtrap:I am William!

Scraptrap: No! I am William! you are a faker!

Glitchtrap: What's wrong with these two?

Burntrap: I don't know, they've been fighting ever since they saw each other

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Elijahfnaffan's avatar

The two non-Afton Rabbits Malhare and Burntrap (but Burntrap isn't actually his real name I discovered awhile ago) watch as Springtrap & Peanut Head- I mean Scraptrap argue over the same person that is them.