Graceful zebra by MechanicalFirefly on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

MechanicalFirefly on DeviantArt

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MechanicalFirefly's avatar

Published: May 8, 2023


This is the other species of swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius or scarce swallowtail) I wrote about in my previous picture and as I mentioned this one is rarer than the Old World swallowtail. Another very interesting thing is how different their flight styles are, Old World swallowtail flaps wings vigorously, so it has very jittery flight, but scarce swallowtail prefers gliding like a kite and only flapping wings when it needs to gain altitude. The difference is night and day, one looks like it's struggling to keep afloat and the other flies with such grace it's mesmerizing.

Image size

5400x3600px 15.3 MB

Shutter Speed

1/2000 second

Date Taken

May 5, 2023, 2:12:29 PM

flippedoutkyrii's avatar

Such a radiant color scheme!