FE9/10 Pairings and Castor alone lol by Meibatsu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

October 4, 2012.

Paint Tool SAI.

I thought I may as well get these out quickly before I commit to anything. LOL

In a conversation with some Serenes Forest peeps in the forums, someone requested I do some Ike + Elincia stuff. But I said I didn't like them as a pair (since sooooo cliche! --And obviously, Ike isn't into ladies at all by the way his personality goes lol), but would consider it as a sketch request at some point in the future.

Other people started talking about different pairings and such, so here you are, some doodles and my thoughts below!

Ike + Elincia: Although they technically would make a cute pair, I think they just respect one another a lot. Elincia might have had a girl crush on Ike, and fancied herself being saved by some rugged mercenary hero, but the evidence to me seems like Ike was too oblivious or not-interested to care. He was just doing his job and being a good friend, man! Thankfully, it didn't blossom into romance in the games! XD The "main lord falls for main female lead" cliche is not something I really like, so I'm glad! Plus...

Ike + Soren: Ike seems dense in this area when it comes to men or women from what I gather. However, Soren is obviously in some kind of love with Ike but confuses it with undying loyalty. LOL My own thoughts are that Ike actually has a soft romantic spot for Soren, but he's also the type that doesn't think about it much or deeply. It may be that they play off being loyal best buds for decades until Ike is really old. On his death bed, Ike would chuckle at the realization that they've been in love with one another for a long, long time. Ike probably jokes about having one last (and first) kiss and Soren gets confused and flustered, and a "nevermind" happens and Ike passes away peacefully... and then it's too late! Soren swallows his despair and lives the rest of his natural branded life for centuries with the small warmth in his heart left by Ike's confession. //lolfanfic (I am not actually a diehard fan of this pairing either, but it seems canon enough to me!)

Elincia + Lucia: lol they are sisters to me, not lovers, but their loyalty to one another is really sweet. I do not see the passion of romance around them. They are just deeply loyal and warm to one another. My opinion on the pairing is pretty neutral. XD

Geoffrey + Elincia: Yeah~! Courtly romance between knight and princess! I am SO INTO THAT CLICHE! lol Plus I enjoy the burden of the politics involved that tried to keep them apart. It made it all the more delicious when they get together finally in the end of Radiant Dawn. It seemed like at first, they both were aware of their personal feelings for one another, but due to rank and status, and not knowing how the other person felt, they weren't able to declare it. And they feared for the other person's reputation or safety. Their hands got forced, however. In the end, after realizing that their love for one another would not endanger each other's safety or the safety of the country, and having the support of their country behind them, they were able to wed. THEY ARE BOTH RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE AND SWEET ON EACH OTHER SO IT WORKS!

Haha.. Castor! He's just worried about mommy. Someone mentioned him and he's one of my lackeys from FE11, so here's a doodle of him.

By the way people, this doesn't mean I'm taking requests. I just do whatever I feel like at the time. XD