The Fun Will Never End.... by MelloChello195 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It absolutely breaks my heart to see such and amazing show that is Adventure Time end! I cried SO HARD during that finale I had to hold back not to start sounding like a baby! I know, I can always go rewatch episodes, but it's like saying goodbye to a whole bunch of people that you care about SO much and you're never going to see them again so you're only left to relive memories.

Adventure Time will always have a BIG place in my heart as a person, and as an artist. For anyone who has known me since I first came onto Deviantart i just drew really bad Adventure Time fanart. I didn't care if it was bad, I was just happy to make something OF something that I loved! If it wasn't for Adventure Time I wouldn't have made such amazing friends like AlwaysForeverHailey and Phooma12345 ! If it wasn't for Adventure Time I wouldn't be drawing like I do right now! I wouldn't have grown this passion and love for cartoons as I do! Adventure Time has made probably the BIGGEST impact on my life as anything else has!

I will always be sad and vulnerable to tears for Adventure Time's conclusion, but I'm happy that they were able to finish it all with an actual ending to it all. I can tell that the animators, the writers, EVERYONE put EVERYTHING they could into this finale and had one last blast working on it together! All of the references, the call back to memorable moments! Everyone got to put their favorite parts of the show into it and I was right there with them having all the fun and heart wrenching memories!

I hope for the best for everyone that worked on the show! Maybe Pendelton Ward will make another show! I hope Jeremy Shada(Finn) finds other great roles to play! Obviously John Dimaggio(Jake) and Tom Kenny(Ice King) are going to still be part of other great shows! I mean, Tom Kenny IS Spongebob after all lol But, Here's my part as to say goodbye to what was a BIG HUGE part of my life for nearly 10 years!

Rest In BOMBASTIC MATHMATICAL Peace Adventure Time <3