dreaming by memedoq on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

memedoq on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/memedoq/art/dreaming-606293442memedoq

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Published: May 1, 2016


i'm super tired and have done nothing this past week but watch harry potter movies so i have inspiration to make magical beings(probably more to comE)
i'm unsure yet if hes going to be a character or just a one time doodle but he was fun to draw!
hes basically a hairless pharaoh hound who can conjure magical powers with the help of a third eye but he can see out of any of his eyes!

hes very quiet and prefers to be alone, if bothered he might retaliate with obvious annoyance at the other person's presence
artwork,character?? maybe (c) memedoq

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510x542px 164.33 KB