Marius by merriya on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Another fan art another portrait :sing:

Marius De Romanus, the nicest vampire of them all. He's too nice actually! If he'd been the callous, aloof sort (the way a powerful, ancient vampire should be!) he would have saved himself (and the world) a lot of trouble :D

Naa, things would have been boring if he hadn't introduced the mother of all vampires to corrupting forces like the Brat Prince and television. I would have loved to see him bitchslap Lestat juust once though!


I go 'Aargh!' everytime my crappy/old VC fanart gets faved and have this urge to make better stuff only to go 'Aargh' when the new stuff gets old and contiunues to get faved! A vicious cycle v.v;. I was supposed to upload this to my scraps but got a little carried away while painting it. I want Marius like painting skills -_- (including the vampiric painting speed and observation, lol) ... another momemnt of madness [link] guess who!

The reign of muddy colors continues :D