MAGE- Fitela Atthase by meru-chan on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Thanks so much :iconraburabbit: for the invite!! :iconasdfghplz:


N a m e: Fitela Atthase

A g e: 15

G e n d e r: Male

H e i g h t: 5'6"

M a g e T y p e: Reverse

M a g e I t e m / W e a p o n: Playing cards

Power: 30

Potential: 20

Magic: 25 (+5)

Speed: 20

Luck: 5

N o r m a l A t t a c k:
"Legerdemain" - quickly shoots magical cards in the direction of the enemy. The damage increases in conjunction with the duration of the attack

S p e c i a l A t t a c k:
"Lady Luck" - draws a card from the deck and depending on the drawn card, it will transforms to a sword or multiple swords and rain the enemy with it. (i.e. drawing 3 of clubs transforms to 3 swords, jack is 11 swords etc.) Drawing joker voids the attack and even heals the enemy.
Needs a long recovery time every time this is used.

L i k e s:
❥ Relaxing afternoons
❥ Dogs
❥ "magic tricks"
❥ Being appreciated for his work

his sister

D i s l i k e s:
❧ Noisy places
❧ Disorganization

P e r s o n a l i t y: Fitela may seem quiet and aloof but is actually a malleable fellow who is willing to cooperate with anyone who seems trust-worthy enough (though putting trust on someone is a bit hard for him to begin with). He's pretty private and shy at first but if he gets to know someone better, he relaxes around them.
He can be prideful at times which can be attributed to his hardworking nature when he has a goal to strive for. A bit insecure, but Fitela is the type to earn the love he's given, like paying them back and wants to be someone the people he loves can take pride in.

I n f o:
-His reverse arrow mark is actually located in his/her right palm.
-he knows fencing.
-type A, April 14 (Aries)

Twitter -> [link] (will get around to completely setting this up later when i'm not running out of time orz)

Will just edit later if there's anything i forgot to add or any mistakes I missed ...:iconlazysulkplz:

Feel free to rp through note or through the chat :la: