Tallest and shortest - get you home by MeStupidArtist on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The picture might be a bit dark...

When the world's shortest person meets the world's tallest.

Tina Flink - 30 cm tall.

Ian Gray - 350 cm tall.

With a click, the locking mechanism snapped and the large door to the library was once again closed for the evening. With the keys in his jacket pocket and the briefcase in the other hand, Ian trotted down the stairs and let the chilly wind clear his hair of all the dust. The thundering bells of the town hall echoed between the houses and through the narrow alleys, surprising him. Was it that late?

He took a quick look at his wristwatch and realized that it had stopped just over four hours ago. He swore a little under his breath. The sorting work in the library had certainly extended well into the night. To clear his head of all the shelf numbers and book titles, he put on his headphones and started the classic jazz playlist he always winded down to on the way home from work. He let out a sigh and let his hand disappear into his pants pocket.

He turned off the main street and ducked for the archway into the alley that would take him to the more degraded back streets where the rats had their kingdom among all the trash, the only problem for him were the low hanging power lines.

He moved in time with the soft bass line while the drum rested in the background along with the faint whisper of the trumpet. He preferred instrumentals to singing because then he could just be lulled into the tone and feeling of the music. His mind swam in a sea of ​​deep calm. The streetlights cast their light and made his long shadow sweep across the barred shop windows, closed shops and empty premises. He always encountered a couple of dark shadows in these streets, many of them knew him and never looked up while others followed him intently. However, he had never encountered anyone who was threatening, but then again, who would go after him?

His tall form slunk out of the back streets and into the infamous bar street where the city's finest bars were established, where everything was far too expensive for his modest librarian salary. The booming popular music was pumped out of the neon-clad premises while the city's elite hung outside behind red ropes in long queues. He had a hard time understanding this culture of partying all night and of course all the drinking that took place. Being so drunk that you couldn't take care of yourself was beyond his understanding. Well aware of all the looks he got from both men and women, he crossed the street and then continued into an alley. Away from everything.


He stopped when he heard the call of his name. Had he heard right? Did someone yell at him?

“Ian, wait!” Shouted the voice again.

He turned to see a small white handkerchief coming towards him with the clatter of footsteps from the nearest bar. It almost sounded like high heels? He squinted and saw how familiar long blonde curls fluttered around a small happy face and that the white handkerchief was actually a dress.

"Tina?" He asked bluntly while pulling off his headphones.

"Hey" with panting breath she came up to him. “What are you doing here?” She tossed her curls in an elegant manner.

"I worked overtime and am on my way home." He replied.

The uncomfortable sensation of their huge size difference gripped him again and he crouched down to reduce it as much as he could. He met her gaze and was speechless, she was gorgeous. Her crystal blue eyes shone through the dark makeup that framed them while her cheeks were rosy and her lips were as red as strawberries. He couldn't help but wonder if they tasted like strawberries too.

“What are you doing here?” He asked her.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She giggled and took a step closer, but her foot buckled under her. Ian threw out his hand and the little lady fell face down into his palm. She was so warm, so incredibly warm and light.

“Oops, sorry.” She giggled, standing up on wobbly legs. There was no shyness in her behavior at all.

"I hope I wasn't too heavy." She hit him on the finger with her small fist.

It was quite clear that she had drunk far too much, she could barely walk or even speak clearly. He wondered how much she had to drink given her size. He himself didn't know how much was required these days to get a buzz.

"Tina," he said as his gaze scanned the street. “Maybe you should go home.”

She waved her hand and said.

"Poppycock." She wobbled and Ian held out his hand, ready to catch her if needed. He couldn't for the life of him understand how she could walk in those thin heels. The whole situation made his mouth dry. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the nearest doorman cast sharp glances in his direction. Somehow it made him feel like a threat to this little lady.

"Do you have someone with you?" He asked while glancing towards the bar she had come from.

"No, I'm out by myself for once." She replied, sitting on his shoe. A gesture he was not prepared for. He wasn't going to lie, he really loved how forward she was.

“On your own?” he exclaimed. He had a hard time thinking that she was completely alone. She was so small, so vulnerable. Heck, anyone could pick her up, throw her in a bag and walk away. Somehow he couldn't allow this. He just felt he had to follow her home. Fortunately for him, she yawned quite a lot as she sat and dangled her legs, the frills on her dress fluttering.

"But Tina, maybe you should go home, you seem quite tired." He said hoping she would agree with him.

She nodded.

"You're probably right." She said and hopped off and wobbled away with the little red purse in her hand. “Nice to see you again.” She gave him a wink.

Ian stayed there and followed her with his eyes, he put his hand behind his neck and argued with himself. Should he go with her or should he leave her? She is an adult after all, but as small as she is, she is easy prey. He didn't like that idea at all. However, his thoughts came to a halt when he saw how a man tore himself from the long bar line to instead move towards her.

"Hey there sweetie.." He heard the man say, and nice as Tina always seemed to be, she accepted his approach.

Ian rose to his full height, he was far from a fighter, but his size did come with some advantages.

He began to approach which the stranger quickly picked up and he took off. Tina didn't seem to keep up with what was happening around her.

"Tina." Ian said causing the small lady to turn around to him.

“He offered to give me a lift.” She said, pointing at the man who had disappeared.

"How about this," Ian said with a small smile as he crouched down. "That I'll follow you home."

She just shrugged with a giggle.

“As you wish.” She wobbled further before tripping over her own foot and falling right into Ian's hand again.

“Wow, your hand is really in the right place at the right time.” She giggled as she tried to get up, but Ian's long fingers had wrapped around her.

"What do you think of me carrying you?" He asked with much hesitation. "It will go a little faster." He continued.

Her face fell in deep thought, though he didn't think the thought process was coherent considering her bubbly state.

"Hm, you're probably right." She slurred. "But I'm actually quite fast!" She giggled as she patted his finger.

“I believe you.” He said as he pulled out the bag, ready to stuff her into it.

"No." She suddenly exclaimed as all the color drained from her face. In vain she tried to crawl out of his grasp. “Not the bag.” She said.

“Okay, sorry.” He hid the bag behind him as he went through his options.

“I want to sit on your shoulder.” She said.

“My shoulder?” He asked her, almost surprised at the suggestion.

She nodded.

"Okay." Slowly lifting her up to his shoulder, he opened the coat and let her climb over to his shoulder.

"Please sit still, okay?" he pulled the jacket over her bare and perfect legs. He felt his cheeks sting and he quickly looked away.

Of course he didn't want her to fall down because that would probably be a fatal fall for her.

Horrible headlines he couldn't stop popped into his head as a result.

The world's shortest woman fell to her death from the world's tallest man's shoulder.

It would absolutely put a dent in his non-existent dating life.

He shook his head to rid himself of the absurd thought.

“So, where do you live?” He asked, pulling out his phone, ready to search for her address.

"Heaven street 133." she answered as he felt her sit up. He didn't need to key in the street, it wasn't far from here and it was one of the most exclusive streets in the city. He put the phone down and started walking.

“Do you live there alone?” he asked.

"No, I don't. I live with my assistant Amanda.” She replied.

He felt her snuggle closer to his neck causing the heat inside him to rise. However, he tried to focus on the nightlife going on around them.

"Assistant?" he asked.

"Yes, she is my childhood friend and when you are this small, you may need a little help." She replied.

"I see." He nodded.

He felt a small hand playing with his shirt collar, small pretty fingers caressing his skin and making goosebumps dance.

“What-” his question came to a halt as he felt the collar being pulled down and soft and warm kisses being pressed against his neck.

Is she kissing me? He thought.

"Your pulse," she slurred between the playful nudges and kisses. "Why is it rushing?"

Ian swallowed as a waterfall of cold sweat cascaded down his back. His cheeks now burned like never before while his whole body tingled, especially in perhaps more inappropriate areas.

"I'm walking so that's why." he replied, increasing the pace of his long strides to get away from this surreal and rather pressured situation, which at the same time was something he enjoyed?

He cleared his throat quite loudly which made her stop, he assumed he had scared her a little which made the guilt rise within him. He walked up two streets before stepping into tall turn-of-the-century houses that were all decorated with beautiful carvings around windows and doors. Rows of smaller trees lined the streets while high fences framed the houses. He couldn't help but compare this block to his warehouse down in the harbor. It felt like he lived in a dump but then again, he didn't have many options. He was grateful to have a roof over his head.

He followed the house numbers above the black gates until he found gate number 133. The problem was that the house rested behind a fence. He crouched down by the gate and looked at the small keypad.

"Tina," he asked but only got a snort and slow breaths in response. She had fallen asleep against his neck. He ran his hand through his hair and stood up before realizing his only option was to get over the fence. It wasn't a big problem because it was barely two meters high. He stepped over the fence without much trouble and entered the yard, which was bordered by beautifully trimmed bushes.

He crept forward and crouched by the door while gently poking Tina. He really didn't want to wake her but how else was he going to get her into the apartment.

"Tina?" he whispered. "We're here now."

She whimpered and nuzzled against his neck as the sound of a window above him being opened.

"Who are you?" a voice hissed out.

He looked up and saw a woman with short brown hair hanging out of the window a few floors above him.

"Uh, hey." he stood up and noticed that the window with the woman was still resting over his head. The woman stared at him from head to toe, completely blown away that he reached almost up to the window before her gaze drifted down to his shoulder.

"What are you doing with Tina?" she exclaimed. "Let her go."

"Are you Amanda?" he asked her.

"Yeah and who are you? And why do you have Tina on your shoulder? She might fall down!" the woman hissed almost hysterically.

"Please take it easy." Ian said, he was afraid she would wake the whole neighborhood.

"Give her to me before I call the police!" she said, holding up the phone as a threat.

"Okay." he did as he was told and gently grabbed Tina who was still sleeping and handed her over to Amanda.

Amanda took her into her arms before glancing at Ian as she picked up the phone and punched in a number.

“Hey, 911,” she said.

Ian took his chance and turned on his heel and threw himself over the fence before disappearing down the street with long running steps.