Red Dawn 2020 by metalheadjohn on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Decided to do my own version of a modern day Red Dawn. It's unrealistic and pulpy, just like the original, and some liberties were taken in regard to how certain types of people would act, but that is part of the fun. Also, I did a US only map because I have no idea what to do with the rest of the world, and I'm trying new things by focusing on US only maps for a bit.


Good Morning America, it is 9 AM here in sunny Spokane Washington and you are listening to The Voice of the People. The red banner of the people flies high over the cities of the formerly oppressed masses as downtrodden Americans greet their liberators in the streets from San Diego to Seattle. Already, Americans are happy to receive the gracious aid of the people as, for the first time in decades, the corrupt Wall-Street culture which has encouraged greed and infighting among the people has finally been expunged, and power and Utilities have finally returned to American homes. As we speak now, Liberation squads have begun their job of uplifting the people of America away from the corporate servitude, and local support is encouraged, because you have the power to do good and help us bring your country up from the ashes and bring about an order that is morally superior to the old corrupt ideals of the Two-Party stranglehold. Of course We must stress that full compliance with the liberator squads is mandatory, and any attack on our forces will not be tolerated. Any member of the American Armed Forces is encouraged to stand down and report to the nearest re-orientation center to become a member of the new order. Any who join will receive benefits for not just them, but their entire families. Any who resist will be shown no quarter and treated as no more than a terrorist, who shall not be negotiated with. No more shall one man be forced to live in desolation while another is perched on a seat of supremacy. America was once a nation of great opportunity and progress, and our nations share this aptitude towards forward thinking, and no more shall this onward march be blocked by Corporate Culture, Hypocritical Reactionaries, or Disinformation-spreading Ideologues. America is destined for better deeds, and with the help of the great peoples republic, there will be no more limits to the spirit of progress, and together, we shall march as one

It wasn't always like this. I still remember a time growing up when there was no fear, those times are gone. When I was a freshman, I knew of a boy in my english class whose family came from Greece. We knew of the hard times they were going through back in the day, but we didn't think things would expand beyond the region. He told us how, when the banks failed, people took to the streets, protests turned into riots, and riots turned into revolution. When Greece collapsed, the depression would spread, and soon all of Western Europe would enter a new great depression. Over here, Americans were content to ignore the nasty affects of recession thanks to Beer and Baseball, but we ignored how things unfolded before us. Anti-American Sentiment grew in Europe, they somehow blamed us for this failure, already alienated by our increasingly larger wars in the Middle East, wars that led got worse and worse, and when some nut from Al-qaeda managed to make a Nuke, he took his chance. The destruction of Tel Aviv led to more interventions, and our leaders continued to ignore the cries of the few, confident that a victory which never came would restore national pride.

NATO collapsed, we stood alone, and in the East, where we weren't even looking, things got ugly fast. Russia suffered from it's own Economic turmoil, and after yet another famine combined with the governments incompetence towards the handling of both the famines and the terrorist attack in St Petersburg, led to more discontent. The people sought desperate solutions, and the most appealing voices seized power in a popular coup. As our leaders finally began to listen to us and brought our troops home, the American presence was replaced with a Russian one, which saw the Caucasus fall under the flag of a now Ultranationalist Russia. In the Far East, country after country began to fall in with China, who used the Anti-American sentiment to unite most of the East under their banner against Us. Only India remained by our side in Asia, as did Britain in Europe, and as East Asia was lulled in by the Reds, Russia did the same to Eastern Europe, all with the plans of building up manpower while we were down.

And then came the day it all began for us. The Pacific Cooperation Organization launched two satellites into orbit. Many in the world watched in awe, heck, with most of us stuck in Quarantine because of the Vietnam Bug, most of us had nothing better to do. But once the satellites were in orbit for no less than a minute, everything went dark, Streetlights, televisions, everything. The entire nation had been shut down, and not just us, Europe was hit too. While we mostly just thought it was a local thing, we were wrong, it was a weapon, they turned off our entire country, and the next day we were under attack. Hawaii fell first, then Chinese Jets flew over San Francisco, and as we responded Russian Paratroopers appeared over Alaska and the Midwest. By the time we got our generators running at our cabin, we saw news footage of Russian tanks in Washington DC, and footage of the New York skyline damaged by non-nuclear missile strikes. The anchor said "Stay put, don't do anything stupid."

"I fought in Iraq, never thought that being a national guardsman would mean I would see combat overseas. By the time we got the message from command, the commands were coming from Beijing rather than Washington. Our commander finally arrived in a jeep, one of ours, but it had been taken for use by the Peoples Liberation Army, and it had the American Flag covered by their own sign. He told us he didn't like the options he had, but that we were to stand down just like that. I asked him "Why? Why should we do what they say?" And he told us that he had given them our names, and that if we didn't cooperate, our families would get the bullet."

"My grandfather fought in Korea, they called it the forgotten war, but no one will forget this. Looking out my apartment window to see Russian ships in the Hudson is an image i'll never forget, nor will I forget the missile strike that destroyed my parents place. They want a fight? Well they picked the wrong country"

"Bleedin' Kansas was one thing, but Bleedin Florida is quite another story.

Once President West surrendered and shook hands with Shoygu , Ivan was given free reign in our cities. They usually weren't picky, but when it came to the gays, nothing else mattered. Miami was home to one of the worst massacres I had seen, and it stands out not because of it being some Russian atrocity, not saying there weren't any Russkies there, but because of how gleefully many of our Countrymen participated in it. I'll never forget the images of castrations and other horrors that I wish my son had never had to see, and all of it carried out by my neighbors who went from throwing stones at Russians to eagerly collaborating if it meant cleansing the earth of sinners. When some people say America was already a rotten nation, I think back to this moment and think that maybe the man on the loudspeaker has some merit."

We ignored our problems for too long, hoping things would solve themselves. And now our country is divided into two. On the east is the Russians, who have been utilizing our own ideals and mixing them with their own to "cleanse America" and claim to defend christian values, when really they are butchering our values day and night. They claim to be uplifting our standards, when they put down any who protest, like the poor men and women at St Louis who suffered when the city was hit with nerve gas due to supposed Rioting. The West isn't any better, they try to sweet talk us over the radio or on the television, and they think we are submissive, but we will never submit. They uplift us from the being "serfs of wall street" by bringing over their own elite to run the show, and they repair our nation by stealing our resources and shipping most of the fruits of our labor back home. And it's not just them we have to fight, we'll be fighting our own countrymen, traitors who they trust enough to rule for them, traitors who they recruit because they know how to hit us where it hurts better than some number cruncher from Shanghai or Moscow ever could, Traitors and opportunists who jumped ship in favor of serving the new ruling class.

And who knows? Maybe Chairman Cambron is just a mouthpiece, but this changes nothing. We own these mountains, and from these mountains we're gonna start a revolution. When this invasion started out, I was just a football player for my high school, and I was a scared teenager, but now I'm a warrior, and i'm gonna fight, not just for myself, but for our future. My children will not grow up in a world where the values of tyranny and conformism are king, where people are shot for being different or disobedient, where we have to hide like rats, but this rat is gonna fight back. We are the Wolverines, and all of you are the revolution. When America was first born, it was created by freedom fighters opposing tyrants across the sea, and the new America will be born from us, fighting the enemy out of our country. They've occupied us for three years now, and I think it's gone on long enough. They think we cannot win, that because they have fancy drones and advanced hardware that they can take us down without having to deploy troops in this region, but they will see how wrong they are. The revolution will not be stopped, it will burn on in all of us, and we stand united against our foes. They've got millions of Americans locked up in Re-education camps, one of which we attack tonight, and we will not be stopped, we will not go quietly into the night, we will stand strong, we will fight! And we will win! WOLVERINES!​