Organigazer Beta (The Blue Tri) by MF217 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

(Edit: Revamped the backstory with the finalized version, such as detailing how the crossover takes place to begin with, and also giving a name revealed to the Big Bad of the crossover trilogy; Neo Darigus.)

Name: Organigazer Beta
Species: Mutant silicon based organic lifeform (Daikaiju Size Class 3; 33.3 meters tall)
Motif: Orga homage, failed organic mutant based off of KeraMaster.
Target: Star Force Mega Man and KeraMaster, heavy priority on the former oddly enough.

Finalized Backstory:

In the Mega Man Star Force canon, most fans of the series like to pretend the second game never happened for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, while the second game still takes place in this particular crossover, not all is what it had seemed when it had occurred. In fact, the second game was actually not supposed to take place according to the Ultimorian Deity Zaalim, but at the same time it had happened because a bunch of renegade hybrids of that universes’s EM-Beings and the Ultimorian Universes’s demons had created a clan of Kaijin/Kaiju hybrids that eventually gave rise to a corrupted heir to the throne which stole the name of one of the most dreaded demons in Ultimorian history. Calling himself Neo Darigus, he quickly knew that one of the original five Primordials, during his many travels to other universes, had spread an unknown disease that caused people to make actions that would put them into an antagonistic role whether it was in character or not. Victims of this disease exist all across the winds of existence themselves, but the most prominent victim of this is Neo Darigus himself; he doesn’t see it as a disease so much so as he sees it as a gift instead. With the so called gift he had because of this evil influence, he decided to create an army of Kaiju/Kaijin hybrids to take over numerous universes with starting with the one they were all born in. When Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis’s first adventure had ended, Neo Darigus soon realized he needed a distraction to keep the two heroes from noticing his quickly building army, so he utilize a stolen Runic Gem from the Ultimorian Deity Ultima to forcefully create several characters that would basically cause the events of the second game to take place as a gigantic distraction so that the Kaiju/Kaijin hybrids could build their army undeterred by the protagonists.

Eventually, however, sometime after the second game had ended, Plio Kenson and KeraBeast were hired by Ultima in secret to investigate a Kaiju breakout from their own universe that had escaped into this one. The Kaiju, technically a Daikaiju given the size, is known as Organigazer Beta, a mutant hybrid of Beast and Man with traits of Triceratops and various Sauropod Dinosaurs with a touch of armored Dinosaurs in it’s DNA. The exact type of body it ended up with basically resulted in an organic, mutated counterpart to the fully robotic KeraMaster, but it would later be clear that it was a lot stronger than one would initially assume due to the differing types of abilities they both had. Originally, Kerason arrived in the universe solely to take on the Daikaiju on his own since he was uncertain whether this particular universe could handle the job of taking one on at all. However, when Mega Man is spotted doing battle with one of the controller units of the army of hybrids, Mega Man soon sent the villain into retreat while ensuring the next time they meet he’ll bring “the big guy”. Hearing some of the conversation, Kerason deduces that the “big guy” the enemy energy based Ultimorian was speaking of was none other than their missing Daikaiju Organigazer Beta. With Mega Man eventually landing back onto the ground before Kerason once he notices the equally blue colored hero standing before him, they both got into a bit of a conversation from the fact they both had some traits in common regarding some of their costumed hero designs (KeraBeast and Omega-Xis both formed an arm based weapon, and the human body maintained by Plio and Geo respectively were the basic template of the transformed hero they were, both being colored blue). As Kerason follows Mega Man trying to ask him about who he was fighting, Geo simply told him that he didn’t know who Kerason was or why he was here, but he was incredibly wary about someone like him just showing up in this particular universe without any prior knowledge of him being known to his own universe. Kerason brings up the exact same remark, although in his case he’s referring to basically everything else but Mega Man. Eventually, though, they do end up agreeing with each other and befriending on another, as Sonia and Lyra also join up with the two of them, although they’re both confused with how someone as young as Plio is actually capable of fighting off tough opponents as he was saying he was. However, just as everything seems normal, the controller unit picks this time of distraction to return and immediately opens fire upon Mega Man, Sonia and Lyra transforming into Harp Note to also join into the fight. When Kerason is also about to help out, though, the controller unit takes notice of Kerason and immediately prompts the big guy he was referring to earlier to show himself, as beamed down to the surface, Organigazer Beta appeared with his gigantic size and everything, and this immediately prompted Kerason to transform into KeraMaster to deal with Organigazer Beta. However, while Mega Man and Sonia had easily disposed of the controller unit, they noticed that KeraMaster was not having it as easy against Organigazer Beta.To begin with, Organigazer Beta is a homage to and expy of the Daikaiju Orga from Godzilla 2000, and has many of Orga’s main advantages as a result when compared to KeraMaster. Organigazer Beta’s skin was very easy to damage, but it regenrated rapidly and underneath was a study beyond all reasoning metallic portion, meaning that this particular hybrid was a biological cyborg in structure. Not only that, but both of KeraMaster’s finisher moves, two thunder element attacks which take the form of either ramming into an opponent, or firing a huge beam at an opponent through his three horns, both ended up being negated by the type of hide that Organigazer Beta had possessed, which basically forced KeraMaster to instead rely more on purely melee attacks since his finisher attacks were even less effective against it. Not helping matters is that both Mega Man and Harp Note’s attacks were also blocked by the external skin layer that Organigazer Beta had possessed… but they quickly soon realized it actually did have a weakness. As KeraMaster’s melee attacks kept exposing the almost metal-like skin underneath, Mega Man and Harp Note both blasted at the exposed sturdier portions and ended up causing Organigazer Beta to suddenly recoil from the impact as electrical surges coursed throughout the spots it was struck at. In fact, once Mega Man and Harp Note’s differing attacks struck the second layer of skin, the outermost layer never regenerated in that particular body anymore.As a result, the plan was formed in that KeraMaster would use his brute force to expose the secondary hide while Mega Man and Harp Note both struck at the exposed portions the moment they became easy targets. Eventually, this drove Organigazer crazy and ended up blinding Organigazer Beta’s deformed left eye which was merged with it’s left horn, and as a result allowed Organigazer Beta’s energy cannon to be unleashed from the horn in question, and the resulting beam was so powerful that it could send KeraMaster toppling backwards quite a distance. As KeraMaster stood back up to fight, Mega Man and Harp Note’s continued energy attacks towards Organigazers’s fully exposed head eventually caused the secondary layer of skin to shatter like glass upon one charged attack from both of them, and reveal nothing more than bare muscle and bone underneath, which allowed KeraMaster to deal with Organigazer Beta in a bit more violent of a method than he usually does. Suddenly ramming Organigazer Beta and latching his front limbs onto Organigazer Beta’s head, he suddenly rammed his sturdy head into Organigazer’s exposed internal layers and smashed Organigazer’s left portion of it’s head almost completely apart, which exposed one final weakspot to Mega Man and Harp Note. Upon all three heroes charging up a finisher attack, the weakspot is struck with a charged, combined energy blast from Mega Man and Harp Note, whilst KeraMaster jumped into the aeria and performed a diving version of his electrically charge ramming finisher. The result impact from all three finisher attacks resulted in Organigazer Beta shattering like glass upon impact, until whatever remained of it had disintegrated due to the whole body having collapsed from the severe, fatal damage.Just when they think the battle is over, KeraBeast’s half of KeraMaster’s mind ends up picking up a communication channel between two controller units and Neo Darigus himself discussing what they should do now that KeraMaster is now going to be opposing them. Neo Darigus, confident that Organigazer Beta wasn’t even remotely the strongest hybrid monstrosity he had control of, would simply allow them to think they had won the whole time while they wait until it’s time to attack again when they least expect it. As Mega Man and Harp Note both land on the ground and returning to their human identities, Kerason de-morphs in response after degenerating from KeraMaster and both Plio and KeraBeast inform the other two heroes of what they had eavesdropped on, and not that Organigazer Beta’s demise was not even close to the end of this problem that both of their universes now had a key involvement in as of this very moment…


-Organigazer Beta stands 33.3 meters tall, which is over 11 meters taller than KeraMaster. Although, the height difference comes from the fact that Organigazer Beta naturally stands on two legs in comparison.
-Organigazer Beta's left horn is mutated to the point it deforms the left side of it's face, and contains an ultra grade beam cannon capable of knocking KeraMaster several blocks away until he crashes into something.
-Organigazer Beta initially has an immunity to the attacks that Mega Man has, and is unable to be truly killed by KeraMaster's attacks. However, as Mega Man fights with the one controlling Organigazer Beta, KeraMaster eventually damages part of Organigazer Beta's left horn and exposes metallic portions that are vulnerable to EM waves. Due to this, KeraMaster's next attacks deliberately attack away at Organigazer Beta's organic hide to expose more and more of it's EM wave vulnerable muscle.
-Organigazer's spikes on his arms are actually bony sawblades that function in a slashing version of KeraMaster's tank treads.
-Organigazer Beta's face is actually very fragile if enough blunt force is applied to it from an opponent; when Organigazer Beta's face is already wounded by both KeraMaster and Mega Man, KeraMaster grabs a hold of Organigazer Beta's head and smashes open Organigazer's skull to reveal a huge weakspot that's vulnerable to Mega Man's finisher, in addition to Kerason's own finisher. Organigazer Beta, upon having the weakspot destroyed, has his entire upper half explode from the damage and is killed as a result.

Design Influences:

Godzilla Franchise:
-The Daikaiju Orga comes into mind with part of Organigazer's backstory and name, and even how Organigazer's left horn functions as a beam cannon which is very powerful and can knock an opponent clear into a building. Other Daikaiju were also implemented into the design. Showa MechaGodzilla, for instance, was added in because during the writing of Organigazer's abilities, his organic skin was too durable for Mega Man's attacks, and thus his metallic covering underneath, when exposed, gave Mega Man a weakspot to go after. In terms of behavior, he somewhat mirrors SpaceGodzilla to a degree provided nobody is controlling him.

Primal Rage:
-He has some minor characteristics from Armadon, particularly in the mixture of Triceratops, Sauropods, and Ankylosaurids into his design, but not by much.

Previous Designs:
-The spikes on his arms are a direct reference to KeraMaster's tank treads. His upright stance is also from the fact KeraMaster is a partial biped to a degree.

Design Notes:

-Organigazer Beta's bout with Mega Man and KeraMaster occurs after the first Mega Man Star Force but during Season 1 of The Blue Tri. This crossover is part of a trilogy which later introduces three other Daikaiju as a result, with the fourth being the Bigger Bad and "Final Boss" of the crossover mini-series. The fourth Daikaiju is also the master of the prior three and is a Class 11 size (112.4 meters tall).

-Organigazer is brought back to life for both of the next crossover specials, since Organigazer's existence helps power up the Bigger Bad of the crossover series.

-The other two Daikaiju not known as the Bigger Bad are based off of Rodan and Anguirus in regards to appearance. The Bigger Bad is based more closely after the bastard fusion of Mothra and King Ghidorah, particularly Heisei Mothra and Showa King Ghidorah, with a mixture of Monster X since the initial form of the Bigger Bad more closely resembles a typical humanoid design more so than a beastlier design like it's final form.

-Organigazer's existence as a Big Bad in the story is to allow KeraMaster to have an opponent to face in the crossover. Same goes for the Daikaiju that appear in the next two parts.

-Organigazer's roars sound like Japanese Orga, US Orga, Atari Godzilla games Orga, and very minor bits of human vocals all mixed into one, Voice of the Legion-esque roar and grunting noise. When Mega Man and Harp Note discover the first actual weakspot on Organigazer's hide, Organigazer suddenly shrieks in a tone more fitting of "US Orga attempting to be as high pitched as Japanese Orga". Then when KeraMaster crushes his skull clean open, Organigazer's human vocals are VERY noticeable from the shriek it makes that time, since Organigazer is basically caught in a death lock by KeraMaster grabbing hold of Organigazer's head and repeatedly smashing his head in until his skull breaks, and thus Organigazer is absolutely screaming in panic and dread from how severe the injuries caused by KeraMaster suddenly end up becoming, to the point that because of how damage Organigazer's skull becomes, it isn't until Organigazer is finally killed in which he actually STOPS screaming in such an otherworldly noise after screaming to the top of his lungs non-stop for the remainder of his few last moments of life.

-The idea to make the main antagonists of the crossover trilogy a hybrid of Kaiju and Kaijin didn't become a thing until the finalized version of Act I. This hybrid backstory is also very much the reason why Organigazer looks so sickly and deformed as it is.