Amazons: The Attack by mich40ish on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It was a chilly autumn morning when the eight man Thracian warrior party unwittingly strayed too near the base of the Amazon’s sacred mountain, atop which the ruins of the ancient temple to the Goddess Cybele stands. Since crossing the Danube River, they knew they were in Amazonia. What the Thracians did not know was just how far in they actually ventured.

Also unbeknownst to the Thracians was the six woman, mounted Amazon scouting party that had been tracking them for some time. Nearing the sacred mountain, the now enraged group of Amazon warriors as one descended on the hapless band of Thracians like hungry hawks diving on their prey.

With most faces fearsomely painted and issuing fourth blood curdling screeches, they lit upon the group of Thracians so quickly that the frightened and panic strickened soldiers had virtually no time to react. Some attempted to take defensive positions while others simply threw down weapons and ran. Yet none escaped nor were spared.

Within minutes all eight Thracian interlopers were dead or dying, their body armor no match for Amazon arrows and spears. None of the women warriors were injured in anyway. After the attack, the Amazons stripped the bodies of all useful items and then mounted the Thracians’ severed heads on poles along the south bank of the Danube as a warning for those that follow.

The image above captures one edge of the brief skirmish. The two mounted Amazons are preparing to dispatch their chosen targets. One of the men makes an attempt at defending himself while his comrade, having tossed off his helmet and cast down his spear runs in vain for his life as the spear that will kill him is sent flying.

I hope you enjoy this image as much as I did creating it. Software used is DazStudio to AffinityPhoto.

As with all my work, comments and critiques are not only welcome but encouraged. Thanks for looking!!