Mia Yamashita-Sanchez by MicrosoftMickeySugui on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Mia Yamashita-Sanchez is the most popular Mii Gunner in the world. She is currently the representative of the Mii in the oligoparliament (lit. small parliament) of the Moricounien Federation.

For some reason, she is the same height as a mourb (Animal Crossing Villager) compared to other mii, and also has boobs!

She was born to Marcos Sanchez and Erika Yamashita in 2001 and was just a regular Mii like you and Mii (haha great pun) until she decided to join Super Smash Brothers.

As of now she has a ray gun stuck to her right hand but seems to be enjoying it. Her hobbies are Super Smash Brothers and various other sports like bowling, baseball and golf.

She hates sportsmates with a passion because she claims they are about to take over the Mii with their lebensraum.

Unfortunately she is only most popular for that incident.