Zyath at Westminster 2024 by MidnightAyaDARPG on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Art by succubuswitchcore

My second commission from Witch (technically the first one but shh). If everything goes well show wise, this should champion out my girl here, Fae, one of my Lappinhund pair.

Large doggo and she's the smaller of the two. LOL

LITERATURE: (320 words)

The grandeur of Madison Square Garden was palpable as Rika stepped through the doors, her dog Fae trotting confidently by her side. The iconic Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, with its storied history and prestigious reputation, was the epitome of canine competition. Rika had been here before, showcasing her talents with her breed of choice - the Canis Nudari - in 2020, 2021, and 2023, but this year held a unique excitement. For the first time, she was presenting a Mediterranean Lappinhund, a relatively new addition to her kennel, and her heart swelled with pride and anticipation.

Fae’s stark white coat coat shimmered under the stadium lights. Months of preparation had led to this exact moment. Rika had spent countless hours training Fae and her partner Night both, ensuring both dogs mastered the graceful trot, stack, and presentation required for the ring. Their bond had deepened through this journey, built on trust and mutual understanding. Fae was not just a competitor; she was a reflection of Rika’s dedication and love for her craft.

Backstage, the atmosphere buzzed with energy. Handlers and dogs moved in a well-choreographed dance of preparation. Rika, ever the professional, focused solely on Fae. She stood behind her, giving a final, gentle pat along her back. Fae looked up at her with trusting eyes, and Rika felt a surge of emotion. This was their moment.

As they entered the ring, the weight of tradition pressed upon them. The eyes of the judge, keen and discerning, followed their every move. Spectators watched in hushed anticipation. Rika’s heart pounded, but her movements remained fluid and confident. She guided the large dog through the required paces, her steps precise and elegant. Fae moved with the grace of a dancer, her performance a testament to their hard work and dedication. Standing in the spotlight in her final stack, could the pair beat Zyath's record from last year? Only time would tell.


Mediterranean Lappinhund breed (c) Me

Art by @succubuswitchcore