Of Time And Melancholy by MikeFShaw on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

MikeFShaw on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mikefshaw/art/Of-Time-And-Melancholy-690389080MikeFShaw

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MikeFShaw's avatar

Published: Jul 4, 2017


If you stand still long enough you can see the dreams of time as it passes you.
If you stop for long enough you can hear the silence of the day go by
If you breathe slowly enough you can catch up with life's heartbeat
If you can be human, if you can be alive. if you can just be.

Stop letting days just go by, go see what the day is all about.

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2048x1332px 2.19 MB

Arte-de-Junqueiro's avatar

Fabulous - all of it!!! :thumbsup: