PMD:S Application by Mikijuq on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:iconpmdstarfall: Qiko







Qiko is a quiet and awkward young male, though previously this was not so. He's very considerate and a bit of a worry wart when it comes to others. He's a Pokémon of action where he's lacking in words. He's not too shy, but compliments throw him off and embarrass him. He's extremely self-loathing, though this is more of an internal complication. He's not prone to impulsive stress or anxiety, but he never lets his negative feelings out and usually let's things build and build until something tips him over the edge and he explodes. Very rarely would this happen.


Qiko isn't afraid to tell others about his past. If someone really wants to know where he came from and why he acts the way he does, he'll tell simply them he made some mistakes that he won’t be making again.

What he doesn't usually tell them is that in realization of who their father had picked to become patriarch over the family, his older brother had attempted to ambush and kill Qiko a day before their father retired.

It had been decided from early on in Qiko's family that those with the rare ability to use telepathy would take the lead once the previous patriarch or matriarch retired. That rare Noibat had been Qiko. Much to his dismay, since he'd been very aware of how much his brother wanted the position. He had fought his brother but not seriously at first, even offering the position to him if it meant keeping the peace. But the elder sibling would have none of it and continued pushing Qiko until the little Noibat snapped.

That was when Qiko learned Outrage. And it was the last time he used it. In his rage he had blacked out and lethally injured his elder brother. Horrified at what he had done, Qiko fled from his family and all he'd ever truly known. After finding an abandoned egg a great distance away from his cavern, Qiko decided he needed to start a new life. Now he seeks solace and rebirth within the Solacer guild, drawn to Cecil's psychic abilities due to his own ability.








Bambi is extra. She’s all fight, play, cuddles, and eats! Everything Bambi does, she does with everything she has and then some. She loves loves loves her Papa and hates meanies that make him cry. An extremely extroverted little girl, Bambi hates being alone and always wants to be doing something with someone. Can’t sit still for the life of her but has a great attention span, surprisingly.


Bambi was hatched on the new year to bring happiness to her Papa!

New *


Qiko is seldom seen during the later hours of the day (10am-sundown), as he gets his chores done early and is naturally nocturnal. He gets grumpy when he’s woken up too “early”

-Bambi doesn’t usually use her words, a bad habit she has thanks to her Papa always using telepathy to communicate to her. So if she approaches you, she’ll most likely stare and make wild gestures, thinking to you instead of actually speaking to you.

-If Bambi isn’t with Qiko, which 75% of the time she is, then she is always with someone else. Usually Nadia or Cecil but it’s not uncommon for her to be seen pestering Druazen or literally anyone she comes across.

-Qiko hosts meals every weekend. If you want to come over for dinner, let Qiko know and he’ll fix up your favorite dish!