Showgirls by Mimiluvbug on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Mimiluvbug on DeviantArt

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Mimiluvbug's avatar

Published: Feb 20, 2011


been a while since any mkr stuff, huh? well i'm back n trying to get everything up. i've wanted to color this for so long!! i finally organized all my drawings and refound it! yay!

Image size

870x1000px 1.47 MB

Xepher06's avatar

Just such a cool idea for them!! The draw is nice and the colors are smooth. Overall well done, LOVE IT!
The only thing was that does Hikaru have her hair bunched into a bun or something on her head? Can't really tell, cause if not shouldn't her hair be longer? Just questions that popped into my head.