The Dream by Minasaturne on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Minasaturne's avatar

Published: Aug 29, 2021


I've accepted my faith to only draw Sailor Moon things for the rest of my life so HERE I AM AGAIN! La la la la

Cutie futur Prince and Princess of i don't know where, it doesn't matter as long as they're together Love

Doodle I made couple months ago (when the Crystal movies came out, i just had finish the original Sailor Moon R season), i always said i'd color it blabla (you know how it is). I wanted to keep the colors simple and pastel...

It's only recently i realised i shoud've add wings to Helios!

Anyway, sweet dreams!~ I am a dummy!

Image size

2048x1536px 196.79 KB