Joy Sadness Anger Disgust and Fear by Minniemouse2003 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Minniemouse2003 on DeviantArt

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Minniemouse2003's avatar

Published: Jun 29, 2022


Here is my 1321st artwork of Joy Sadness Anger Disgust and Fear from Inside Out one of the five emotions in Riley Anderson's mind.
Joy one of the main emotions who makes Riley feel happy.
Sadness one of the five emotions who makes Riley feel sad.
Anger one of the five emotions who makes Riley feel angry.
Disgust one of the five emotions who makes Riley feel disgusted.
Fear one of the five emotions who makes Riley feel scared.
Joy Sadness Anger Disgust Fear Inside Out created by Disney and Pixar

Image size

3233x1421px 592.46 KB

Minniemouse2003's avatar

Thanks :)