LN: Tattoo/Kain by mintyfreshmangos on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


I will probs write all the things tonight. uvu Byeeee~

AND NOW I'M DONE. AND NOW I SHALL SUBMIT. ;v; ;v; ;v; fksjdflksdjf Hopefully this is ok. I'm using a crap computer right now so it will be difficult for me to do any major changes or even using dA is pretty hard on this thing man. XD jfkasjdf

† B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N

Alias: Tattoo

Real Name: Kain Beckett

Gender: Male

Species/ (or Theme): Tattoo and Needles

Age: 12 years old

Birthdate: 7/16/1967

Height: 4’8”/ 147cm

Weight: 50lbs/ 22 kg

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Color Scheme: Pastels and darkness

Partner: Quill


Weapon: Discard (Medical and Metal) Sharps (old tattoo needles, syringe needles, box cutter blades, scalpel blades, xacto knives, razor blades, etc.) They are all hidden/kept in his hair, like sparkly accessories, which he has complete control of. His hair is a bit longer than he is tall.

The origin story of his weapon comes from several sources: His chemotherapy treatment which requires vinous injection of chemicals via needles (Kain once told his sister that the needle was more fearful than a sword. At least a sword can lop off his head quickly- the needle kills him slowly and painfully.); Tattoos which are drawn by needles and were associated with the rebellious punk subculture of 1970s England; English 1970s punk fashion which incorporated razor blades and used in ripped clothing; And spending half of his life in a hospital which produces a plethora of sharps waste, some coming directly out of him.

Battle Strategy/Abilities:
Overall, Kain prefers range attacks over melee combat. I mean, he has Quill. That bloke can just run in a swing his axe like a maniac. Kain likes methodical planning before attack and, preferably, he would like to finish enemies off before detection.

Kain's main attack involves using a strand of hair with a sharp attached to it and throwing it at his enemies. He can throw a large amount at one times (at least a dozen or so) or just a few well placed shots. He can also mass up the sharps in his hair and throw a very sharp ball at enemies but that ability leaves him very low on supplies. Damage output ranges depending on what is thrown (A sewing needle will probably just be a nuisance while a scalpel blade will hurt substantially more). Alternatively, if he ran out of sharps, he can harden his hair at will to use as a mace-like melee weapon. Even though at the hardest point it can mimic iron, Kain uses it sparingly because of the damage it does to his hair.

In addition, being a winged creature, Kain doesn't have that silly thing called 'ground friction' to worry about. (And anyways the floors are far too dangerous/dirty with Quill inking up the place. It's much better in the air.) Kain uses his swiftness to dodge attacks or move far away at a distance to perform ranged attacks. Often, he is willing to play bait and distraction while a more able body attacks directly.


†_Lvl 1 Defensive Magic: Shield Tattoo_†

†_Lvl 1 Healing Magic: Hair Wrap_†

Weakness/ Critical Hit:

Because of his frailty (hallow bird bones and all), he cannot afford to take too many hits. This forces him to be a ranged fighter. Also, his light weight makes him prone to knock back if he is not diligent.

†_Critical hit_†

Berserker Mode: None.

Partner Combo: Nope.


• Serious • Goal-driven • Pretentious • Sarcastic • Bitter • Calm (most of the time) • Blunt • Fearless •

When Kain did attend public school, he wrote and read well above his level and showed remarkable intelligence. After his illness, however, he was home-schooled (or rather hospital-schooled) by his mother and father, who treated him like an adult rather than a child. Because of the lack of contact he had with children his age (besides his own sister), Kain has a hard time communicating and associating himself with his peers. Most of the time, he just avoids contact with them. After all, what does he have in common with the normal boy anymore? He is seen as pretentious and sarcastic by the hospital staff, and have developed a very dry and dark sense of humor from his hospital stay. Besides his sister, Kain is very blunt and to the point and dislikes to dabble in small-talks and how-you-dos. He often times serious, seemingly uncaring of the world around him and is extraordinary goal driven. Because of the fabricate cheeriness of the nursing staff he is surrounded by daily, Kain is suspicious of people who seem happy, dismissing them as fakes. He is also very reluctant to take help from anyone unless needed; he hated being fawned over when he was ill.
Because Kain was raised surrounded by death, he feels rather numb about the concept of it. He has very little fear for his physical self and had train himself at a young age to repress signs of fear, sadness, or distress.



+Loud music (punk music)

+Books, Reading, learning

+Drawing and writing stories

+His sister and the company of his parents

+Outdoors and fresh air/wind


-Being sick, weak, helpless, tired

-Being closed in or crowded

-Doctors, nurses

-Cheerfully fake people
-Being pitied, underestimated

H I S T OR Y & B A C K G R O U N D †

Kain was born in England and his father was a pastor and because of this, Kain was raised very religiously.

So…very often, late at night, when the hospital was still and quiet, Kain wondered how it happened.

How can God, such a prefect being, made this girl right and this boy right but somehow messed up on him?

Kain was the oldest of two children, his younger sister Amellia being 2 years younger than him. His family had always been loving. When his sister was born, his mother told him that he now had a great responsibility, to take care of his sister. And for 4 years of his life, Kain did.

When Kain was 6, he was admitted to a hospital with a fever and a large lump under his arm. He diagnosed with lymphoma. His sister didn’t quite understand why Kain couldn’t come home from the hospital that night. They shared rooms and for as long as she known, they have spent every night together. Kain didn’t really understand it himself but he remembered her sister’s crying as their mother ushered her out of the hospital. He had made his sister cry.

When Kain was 7, his mother and father agreed to treat him with new medication. ‘Chemotherapy’, the doctors called it. “It will make you feel sick at first but then it will make you feel better”, they reassured as they put the needle in his skin. Two weeks later, he started to lose his hair. Kain was trying not to cry in front of his little sister when the last clump of it fell off into his hands. He knew Amellia saw, however, and he could see her eyes misting over. She was going to cry for him again, he was going to make her cry again-

“Amellia, look! I lost all my hair!” Kain exclaimed cheerfully and then touched his sister long thick raven black hair. “But I see you have enough hair for both of us! Can you kindly undo your braid and share with me?”

Amellia looked confused at his brother for a while and then undid her braid. Kain put Amellia’s loose hair on his bald head. “See, now I have hair again!” He told his sister. Amellia laughed, delighted.

“I will never cut it then, Kain. I will grow my hair long enough to share with 20 people!” Amellia promised. It was a long time since Kain had felt so happy.

When Kain was 8, a kid his age moved to the bed across from him and a week later, he was gone. Retinoblastoma, he had heard the doctors and nurses say in hushed voices. Cancer of the eye. He remembered wrapping his sheets over his eyes every night for months after that. He hoped he didn’t suddenly develop retinoblastoma like he did with lymphoma. He wished he had more eyes, so if God was so cruel, he would have extras to replace them with.

When Kain was 9, his sister Amellia ran into his hospital room with a cassette tape. “Shhhh, don’t tell dad! But I got this tape for you!” She said with a mischievous smile and put her head phones over his head. “It’s a new type of music and dad HATES it…but I think you will like it. It’s called…’punk rock’.” She whispered. Kain listened.

It was wild, loud, chaotic, disruptive, blunt. So different from the life he had been living now, so different from the bland and silent room he had been imprisoned in for a third of his life.

“…I like it.” He told Amellia with a smile.

When Kain was 10, they moved him to a room a few floors up. “For our special patients.” The nurse had said to him with a fake smile. For our long term patients, Kain thought to himself. He could read the signs.

The only good part was that the room had a window. It was too far up for Kain to see anything save for sky but sometimes, he could see a bird fly pass. Kain wished he was a bird too. Without cancer and free.

When Kain was 11, he was listening to a cassette tape that Amelia had gave him. “That’s the Devil’s music.” His father said as he turned off the player.

“Then the Devil has treated me better than God.” Kain whispered and then gasped, shocked at his own words. He looked up, expecting his father to yell at him but he didn’t. He only saw his father avert his gaze. “Don’t you say that Kain, God had always been kind.” He whispered and then sudden Kain understood. He felt like an idiot for not realizing sooner. No, God had not been cruel…In matter of fact, Kain had been lucky to live this long with this disease; God had been merciful.

When Kain was 12, he was released from the hospital. It was not because he got better, it was because the hospital had “reach the end of the treatment plan. …we advise it is perhaps the best if he returns home with his family.” The first person he saw when he left the hospital was Amellia. Her black hair reached to her knees now. “Do you like our hair?” She asked as she offered him a smile a real smile. “It’s wonderful. Now that is enough hair for 20 people.” Kain commented from his wheelchair with a week smile.

“Mama said that we can cut it and make it into a wig for you-“

“No keep it.” Kain insisted. “It looks better on you.” Kain saw her smile fade…but it was true. It’s not like he would be able to enjoy it for too long anyways.

Kain was still 12. He was standing at the railroads in the field by his parents place. It was the dead of night. He had quietly left his home with a cane, mustering all his strength to drag himself here. He was waiting for the train.

He loved his mother and father, sure. And he still believed in God, yes. But if this is how God treated him when he was alive, how can heaven be any different? …but this way…This way, he could choose.

He could hear the train. He can see it’s lights. It can’t hurt anymore than the last six years of his life. He prop himself up with his cane. At the very least, he wanted to die standing-


He turned around. There stood his sister,Amellia, yards away, her hair in the night wind. They both looked at the oncoming train.

“No Amellia, STAY BACK-“ But his voice was lost to the roaring sound of engines.

Kain remembered seeing his sister run to him. He felt her push him out of the way…but it was not far enough. His cane rolled away from his grasp and without it he was too weak to get up. The last thing he saw Amellia falling down on the tracks, her black hair blowing against the night sky. She looked up and met his eyes. She was crying.

Time stop. His sister remained frozen on the tracks, the train illuminating her hair. He heard a voice.

…The reaper offered him a contract. His soul for a while, in exchange for second chances? Kain stared at his sister for a while, his heart pounding in his chest. Was this what was seriously happening? To him? How....?
... ....then he laughed.

“How funny.” Kain had said drily. “ In death, I am once again offered the illusion of choice. Tch. I will take the lesser evil then. As always.”

Then he saw nothing at all.


Rebirth, reborn again from beginning with same shit life. Signed with a flourish.

There is no way around it, it’s not like he hasn’t thought it through. If he retreats and keeps on living, his sister would be dead and he will die soon because of his illness anyway. If he rewinds, he may be able to save his sister but what would it leave for him in the end? Once again, his illness will get him. He can choose to be reborn in another life, with a hopefully better body but then what will happen to his sister? The only way to know for sure is to be reborn form the beginning, which the same body he had and the same life. At least then, he has a chance for sure to prevent his sister’s death and buy himself a few more years to live.


Kain had a father (who was a pastor), mother (a teacher) and loving sister, Amellia. He also had cancer. That sucks.

After spending over half his life with it, he decides to end his life before cancer did. During the process, his sister got involved and both of them were killed in the process.

...I laugh at how two days of writing can be summed up in about three sentences. Who needs reading anymore? uvu

Cause of Death: His sickness weakened him and he was crushed by a train. The circular markings on his wings and body is a reminder of that.


Loving mother (who was a teacher), father (who was a pastor) and younger sister, Amellia

Other Information/MISC:

RP Method: Mostly done in paragraph or lit but script is alright too. Usually available on skype during late nights. uvu
