art trade #4 by Mioponnu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Mioponnu on DeviantArt

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Mioponnu's avatar

Published: Jun 1, 2015


for :iconshadowangelblood: !
Shadow and Akuto belong to :iconshadowangelblood: !!

hope you like it ~

Image size

1050x1400px 964.19 KB

ShadowAngelBlood's avatar

Wow, I love it so much. <3 (and those yaoi feels)
I like the way you captured the expressions on the characters.

Shadow looks so stunned and unsure what to do while Akuto seduces him from behind. I could imagine him whispering sweat nothings into Shadow's ear as he licks the blood from Shadow's neck. Devilish

I'm so excited seeing this after getting up and this makes my day start off great. :D
Thanks for doing the trade with me. Huggle!