Redesign Cheesepie Family by MiracleInk on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The last member of the Mane 6 and her children are finally here, they are the ones with constantly changing looks since I never felt happy with them, this time I feel way happier with them
*NOTE: This gen was designed before Season 9 and I watched the final but im not adding it, this is completely headcanon (Also Lil Cheese is not in this canon, she never existed)-CHEESE SANDWICH-

Cheese was a traveling party pony, just like Pinkie he had a Cheese sense. He could sense when a pony is sad needs cheering up as he has an extreme amount of empathy. He and Pinkie after they resolved what happened became instant buddies and had a love at first sight click. They do visit each other pretty often to the point is natural habit, eventually Mr. and Mrs. Cake allowed Cheese to move in with Pinkie at Sugarcube corner, Cheese and Pinkie began dating a few days later. The two were inseparable and stuck to each other like glue, they were the perfect couple, the newest power couple of Ponyville. The two power -filled lovers always made the best parties in Ponyville and even around Equestria. It was not long that the two got married and had a child of their own, they were completely in love.


Pinkie was the most cheerful and bubbly pony in Ponyville.. heck all of Equestria, and you bet she was completely excited about having her first kid with her hubby. Though she did have to pull back from all that jumping she did to not shake the child into a smoothie. She and Cheese with their super party powers would pass down to her child... it only got passed down to their third and youngest child but they didnt mind it. They were super supportive of all their kids choices and loving to them. Pinkie still works at Sugarcube Corner with the Cakes and they even allow the family to live there making it a huge home. Pinkie started hosting after Twilight's family started a LGBT party for all the ponies to feel happy and comfortable with who they are, she even hosted them for her eldest child to help out with, she was super supportive of LGBT related stuff.. even being on it herself with being a Pansexual.


Confetti was the eldest of Pinkie's and Cheese's kids. He was born a small orange and fluffy mare, he was originally named Orange Punch and was originally raised as a mare. At a very young age she felt wrong and hated everything about herself, she would always be sad and the constant worry and mystery from her parents made it worse. It wasnt until Moody manged to get her the say her problems and helped her tell her family what she was hiding. Cheese and a pregnant Pinkie were super support of him and even helped out picking a name for him, they gave it their all to help Confetti feel happy. He manged to finally become happy with himself after many years of suffering in sadness. Confetti is a cheerful pony with a few issues, he has severe social anxiety and hates being in huge spaces surrounded by ponies. He prefers the calm and actually chill space of Sugarcube corner ( mainly the kitchen ). He has a huge love for baking and making pastries for ponies, he prefers to hide away in a kitchen making food for parties than... well being at the party.


Ginger is the second older of Pinkie and Cheese, he basically looks like the complete opposite of the family. Unlike the Pie family who smile and have puffy hair, he is quite looks emotionless with flat hair. He does have emotions but often keeps them with a strict lock and key, letting very little see him be happy. he does do small smirks and giggles when in a good mood, its very rare to see him truly smiling and happy, if he does hit this stage of happy, his hair will puff up but once he stops smiling or laughing it will flatten again. He is egghead 100%, he is not a party pony type and more got the smarts of planning and organizing from his dear mama. He is pretty good and memorizing things and processing things written on paper, if things are shown to him via images or audio he can get lost.


Velvet is the youngest of Pinkie and Cheese's children, he is the perfect example of a Cheesepie child. Being all funny and bouncey and a huge party pony, she enjoys being the life of the party and she never slows down. Even as a baby she would be constantly moving and it was very rare that she slept, she was given ADHD meds when she was young to help her rest. As she got older she denied taking the meds and just allowed herself to be her full self, she rarely sleeps and is constantly fidgeting when she is partying. She isnt very emotional as expected from a party pony and she has a hard time noticing when other ponies or herself is in serious pain. She barely expresses any pain that she feels, both emotional and physical, She can often end up returning home bleeding and with cuts because she didnt noticed that she got injured.