Quill The Teen Titan by MissDarkShiva on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is one of my first RP chars I made and is also my Teen Titan oc ^^ Her name in Bonnie but her hero name is Quill.

Why is she called Quill you ask? Well read her Bio and you shall know :nod:

Name: Bonnie Brown aka Quill
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Powers: Her powers are a bit unusual. She can literally dig tunnels with her bare hands through almost any solid material, at alarming speeds. She has N-Ray Vision, so she can see through anything, unless it’s made out of silver. But her main power is her freakiest… Thick 8-inch quills shoot out from her spine, and another set of them well will grow in place of the ones that were shot. Her aim is pretty accurate, but she has to have her back to her opponents in order to shoot them, making her variable. So when in combat, she’ll usually be underground, until she sees her chance to attack. But if for some reason she can’t go underground she dose has some hand-to-hand combat skills so she can defend herself.
Strengths: She is very good at drawing, and is what she usually dose with her free time. And she is also good at tracking people down.
Weaknesses: She cannot see through silver. And she loses her fighting spirit if called a murderer.
History: Bonnie’s mother died, she was 5, living her dad to care for her on his own. But he soon started drinking, and begun to abuse her. One night when she was 10, her dad came into her room, and threatened to kill her. She was so frighten that it caused her mutant power to activate at her young age. When she turned to ran, twelve 8-inch quills shot out from her back impaled themselves into her father from the head down, killing him instantly. In fear and disbelief of what she did, Bonnie ran away. She lived on the streets for 5 yrs, learning to defend herself, and control her powers. When she heard of the Teen Titans, she deiced to join in hopes to redeem herself for what she did to her father, even though it was an accident.
Good/Evil: Good.