Of the Sea by MissRiverstyxx on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

MissRiverstyxx's avatar

Published: Apr 24, 2016


I accidentally a seadragon.

This was nice and relaxing to draw. I was pretty lazy about it.

Water dragons do exist in the Firelight-verse, but they're...a bit different. Apart from being bloody gigantic, they live underwater their whole lives and only come up for air every few weeks, and they don't really use water as a magical power sort of thing like dragons do with their elements. They're basically just sea monsters. Yay! And they're related to dragons, but not as closely as sky serpents are.

I'd be scared if I were Charla. :iconscaredplz:

Also, speedpaint! Yay. youtu.be/2EbhoOKy8zY

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2137x1150px 1.57 MB