Queen Cruella - Elsa Letting Go (5) by Missy-Lisa on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Queen Cruella greeted her newest thrall, Queen Elsa, with a theatrical kiss on the cheek. They settled into the opulent throne room, the air thick with swirling smoke as they lit their cigarettes, the ambiance rich with a heady mix of power and mischief.

“You look marvelous, Elsa,” Cruella purred, her voice a sultry melody. “Truly, you embody the darkness of a queen.”

Elsa smiled, her confidence radiating. “Thank you, Cruella. It feels good to embrace my true self.”

Cruella leaned back, an amused glint in her eyes. “How’s that pesky little sister of yours adapting to your transformation?”

Elsa chuckled, the sound laced with mischief. “She’s maybe more terrifying than I am. I can’t quite decide if that’s a blessing or a curse!”

“Perhaps I should introduce her to my lovely Ariel,” Cruella suggested, her tone conspiratorial. “I’m sure they’d get along fabulously. Both have a flair for the dramatic, don’t you think?”

“Who is Ariel?” Elsa asked, curiosity piqued.

“Ah, a former mermaid, now one of my most powerful allies,” Cruella explained, her voice rich with pride. “She knows how to harness fear and chaos—perfect for a queen like you.”

Elsa leaned in, her excitement building. “But how can I truly terrify my subjects? I want them to understand the weight of my rule.”

Cruella let out a melodious laugh, her eyes glinting with wicked delight. “Oh, my dear, you need not look far. I can loan you the Fist.”

“The Fist?” Elsa raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

“Yes! My transformed version of Wonder Woman,” Cruella said with a flourish. “She’s fierce, unstoppable, and nothing strikes terror like her presence. Imagine sending her out into the villages, a living reminder of the consequences of defiance.”

Elsa’s heart raced at the thought. “That sounds perfect. The Fist will ensure they know I mean business!”

Cruella nodded approvingly. “Oh, how I love my work. The fear, the chaos—it’s simply delightful.” She paused, her expression contemplative. “But remember, Elsa, while power is intoxicating, it must be wielded with finesse. Create dread, but don’t allow them too much despair. A glimmer of hope will keep them working.”

Elsa absorbed her mentor’s words, determination burning within her. “Then let’s get to work, Cruella. I want Arendelle to tremble before us!”

With their minds entwined in wicked plans, the throne room became a sanctuary of dark ambition. Together, they plotted their reign, reveling in the intoxicating thrill of their ideas, ready to unleash a wave of terror upon the kingdom.