Wen-M's Ashriel by MlleBrianna on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
MlleBrianna on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mllebrianna/art/Wen-M-s-Ashriel-38620737MlleBrianna
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Published: Aug 25, 2006
another lineart by *Wen-M
coloured by me it was sooo much fun... i just love colouring wen-m's works... they're full of intricate little details... anyways, hope you likey. This took me about 5 hours in total.. an hour cleanin up the lineart, erasin the shadows and whatnot.. then another 4 hours colouring
original lineart [link]
Image size
835x1325px 593.44 KB